*Tower of Babel* WEEKEND

Event description


vincent profile picture vincentFebruary 2009
Algeria members have been invited : welcome !!

We will invite all the countries to participate in alphabetical order !!
vincent profile picture vincentJanuary 2009
welcome maecha_abdil !

Thanks ! it is very important to communicate to your friends
maecha_abdillahi profile picture maecha_abdillahiJanuary 2009

i'm very happy to become a member of this web site and i will tell it for my frends to become also members.

I will come to the meeting fixed 24 th may in paris for fond a new frend for speak english

vincent profile picture vincentDecember 2008
Salut Cielbleu!

c'est vrai c'est ton anniversaire ? il faut qu'on prévoit un gateau alors

Cielbleu profile picture CielbleuDecember 2008
Ki a u 7 id?

Se sera mon ANNIVERSAIRE final,


Fin d'1 monde a Paris