this saturday 27 !! My birthday in a asian restaurant

Event description

  • Data: Sept 27, 2008
  • Time: 19:00
  • Adresa: Address visible for attendees
  • Numri i telefonit: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

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Hello everybody !!

As i told some people last sunday during the Walk in Saint Germain's wood, i will celebrate my birthday this saturday (27 of september) in a all you can eat asian restaurant. About 24 choices : Thai, beijing, cantonese, shrimps, and even sushis, french fries, salads, noodles... + 8 desserts (4 cakes, 2 type of ice creams, sweet soups, fruits salads...)

We'll begin to eat at 7PM because the restaurant closes early (around 10:30), it could be quite crowded as it is famous and that way we will have the choice to do an after in a bar or at my firend's house at bretigny (he has a wii).
resto à volonté Polyglot (et accessoirement pour feter mon anniversaire)

cuisine d'asie et occidentale : 24 choix de plats et entrées et 8 desserts.
Merci de venir a l'heure car il nest pas possible de reserver le samedi !

Jardin d'Asie
78 rue baudricourt, M°tolbiac
75013 PARIS
menu all you can eat 15euros

merci de vous inscrire assez tot ou de m'ecrire pour que je vois quelle taille de gateau acheter :)

let's meet inside the restaurant in the reception hall or if we are not there it'll mean we'll be already sitting at our table (if you dont find us, call me)

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vincent profile picture vincentSeptember 2008
mailing sent to the last 600 registered members in Paris
louna111 profile picture louna111September 2008
hi, my name is sarah i'm just find out about the polyglot website tonight, i am a native french speaker and i spent a year in london learning english but that was 2 years ago so i really need to practice my english at least to maintain my actual level.

i wanted to know if the birthday invitation is opened to everyone and if i can join you on that night?
vincent profile picture vincentSeptember 2008

thanks for your proposal!!

on a déjà fait un repas polyglot dans ce resto : il est super : qualité et quantité