internet polyglot

Event description


Zeina9 profile picture Zeina9September 2008
Salut tout le monde / Hi there

Je suis assez nouvelle chez polyglot, et j'aurai voulu savoir s'il y'avait un autre soir avec une telle organisation... j'y suis allée jeudi dernier - au snax - et on est plein de francophones -)  J'aimerais plutôt pratiquer l'allemand... / I don't know so much about polyglot, but i'm quite impressed by the organisation at the "Basil bar". I would like to know if there are other evening organised in that way... i wend last thursday at the snax and we were so many french speakers ! (i wish to practice another language) -)

Merci pour votre/vos réponses / thanks in advance for your answers

pat profile picture patSeptember 2008
Ah oui, hasard du calendrier... bien PLUS qu'une "Nuit Blanche", on va s'offrir une nuit *MULTICOLORE*!!
lepolyglotte profile picture lepolyglotteSeptember 2008
Super Pat! Quelle belle façon d'entamer une Nuit Blanche polyglotte :-)
pat profile picture patSeptember 2008
Yeah, it's official, and it's *BACK to BASILE* as of 4 October 2008! After a long and chilly summer, come and chill out at your Saturday night fav =)
vincent profile picture vincentSeptember 2008
Désolé Uli, mais finalement, la reprise sera plutôt le samedi 4 Octobre

lepolyglotte profile picture lepolyglotteSeptember 2008
Super! I know several people who have waited for this all summer :-) Vive la rentrée!
pat profile picture patJune 2008
Gerard, thanks for your interest in our Polyglot Saturday night events! Good to have enthusiastic particpants like you to lift those reunions HIGH above ground =) We'll be seeing you *outdoors* soon, then.
Fulcanelli profile picture FulcanelliJune 2008
Ok, fine, I'll be watching to the outing events
