we can decide the place together to fit all the people

Event description

  • วันที่: Jun 18, 2021
  • Time: 18:00
  • ที่อยู่: Address visible for attendees
  • Price : 00€
  • Number of Attendees expected: 10
  • MAX number of attendees: 18
  • เบอร์โทรศัพท์: +201282164838

Hello everyone, i was thinking about making this meeting to practice english and meet people from around egypt and forginers from around the world if anyone of them in Egypt.

so if anyone has any ideas please share with me to be able to set this meeting .

thank you


Media coverage - Polyglot Club


AbdelrhmanMahmoud profile picture AbdelrhmanMahmoudMarch 2024
I want to join you, but what is the address
fb_1608137144 profile picture fb_1608137144December 2020
It’s a good idea but we have to make a group on whats app or telegram to find the correct time and place
Hebaibrahim profile picture HebaibrahimAugust 2020
I want to join you guys. We can make a group on Whats app or Telegram to arrange it. what do u think?