Members Gathering, Giza NileTrianon in front of Sheraton Cairo,

Event description


AbdelRahman profile picture AbdelRahmanAugust 2007

Dear folk:

Give me your opinions!


SandyBelle89 profile picture SandyBelle89August 2007

hello all how are you ????

in fact it's a very good idea as always exchanging cultures is very useful and noble

well, there are some questions and comments

1st : time should suits all members frm all sides i mean that

it should be early and suits others

2nd : you should give more details about the place and what's it and how will gathering be and you must with others of course put a program .. particular program

and as mr . ismael i think said it must have a purpose

and i hhave a very good idea that we make gatherings like saloons or forums or (nadawat) so we can make a particular time and a paticular topics foor example we can talk about poetry, culltures , and everyone has a work i mean in any field, culture , art ,...... we can discuss all together

another thing we can also share this with the foreigners whm in egypt in the times of those forums or salons and we also exchange opinions ,

rests another thing that what's the place which can contain all excpected guests

so i hope that we can achieve this idea it's a good idea hope we can do it correct and hope we can use it and achieve it correct to reach to its noble aim ^^

hope to hear from you all sooooo soon


Rosafn profile picture RosafnAugust 2007

Dear AbdelRhman,

It is very nice of you to have this gathering, connecting is very vital..good luck, Inshallah I am in , the place is very good and I think will be a middle point for most of us, also the time, 7 :00 pm is suitable time.

I read what our colleague Ismail, wrote and I believe those are important points that we all need to have into gathering is nice , but why not adding some other purposes :)) as you & Ismail  intiated such a thing so ,  I throw you the ball, and you plan & organize for it     .

** small note :

I believe Friday won't suit most of us,      as many travel by the week ends , especially at the end of august and the 1st week of September..kol sana wento taybeen ( Ramadan is coming),

so I suggest to make it week day , after work and 7 00 will be fine.

Can we take votes??!!

THank you again for the intiation, and hope it will be successful.


Fatma Noureldeen

vincent profile picture vincentAugust 2007
Good idea : if everybody who has registered can print this meeting flyer on places where there are a lot of foreigner this would be the best.

Don't forget to cut each little stripe so that people, when they see the flyer somewhere, can take the website address with them,

see you
AbdelRahman profile picture AbdelRahmanAugust 2007

Dear All,

Thank you all for your comments and I will try to send a message to everyone who gave a comment separately. There is something I wish you all to do is that everybody who is willing to attend this meeting is supposed to print a copy of the meeting flyer which you can find a link at the end of the page of the meeting saying Print Flyer. This will be the invitation that will get you in our meeting.

The meeting will be on Friday at 7:00PM while I hope that all people who wish to attend will be through with their work. Please try to tell everybody you know about this meeting.


vincent profile picture vincentAugust 2007
Dear AbdelRhman,

I have sent a email to all 1000 Egypt members,good luck for your meeting,don't forget to advertize it on other forum (Egypt language related forum for example)use this url

and print the meeting flyer (click on the lick below)

best regards,

nonarft profile picture nonarftAugust 2007

please tell me more about the place of our meeting where is it ?,how we will enter it ?and if it free of charge or not?

and whose the orgnaizer of this meeting?

i wait the reply


mohamedv81 profile picture mohamedv81August 2007

  Hello Everybody,

Nice to meet you, I hope everyone is all right.

I'll attend it will be a good chance to meeting with us to exchange our cultures.

What's   the time exactly ?

See u soon

Best Regards

Mohamed Ismail