Event description

  • Dátum: May 10, 2016
  • Time: 18:00
  • Adresa: Address visible for attendees
  • Number of Attendees expected: 30

Join us also on facebook for this edition n°5 !

Kom og tal eller øv dig på det/de sprog du vil ! Come and talk the language/s you want!

Åben for alle og gratis entré / open to everyone and free entrance.



More informations :: WHAT IS THIS EVENT ABOUT ??

Are you learning a new language? Or want to practice one you already know?
Or maybe want to talk in your mother tongue with foreigners?
Learner, student, foreigner, fund of languages or simply curious - come and talk in any language/s you want!
The idea is to meet in a nice place, get a little tag that permits the other guests to know which languages you want to speak and then easily start trying to exchange in the language you want. No need to worry about conversation subjects, being shy or afraid of making mistakes, we will all be there to practice and maybe meet new friends!

The concept:
Polyglot Club is a simple concept which already unites thousands of people all over the world, with more and less active communities everywhere. The Polyglot Meeting concept is essentially a cross-cultural reunion where people meet to discuss topics related to the broad fields of linguistics and cultural studies or to simply chat about any topic, in whatever language inspires you!

About the organiser:

Coming from one of the most active Polyglot Club´s community in Paris, Alice Geiger is now launching the first Polyglot Club Meeting of Vejle.
"After having experienced the international environment in the area of Vejle, a Polyglot Club Meeting seemed obvious. On one side there is a huge number of foreigners wanting to learn Danish, often shy to practice outside the classroom, and on the other a lot of Danish and non Danish people looking for an opportunity to practice a foreign language they know or are currently learning. But most of all, it's a great occasion for everybody to simply meet and share stories about lives and cultures."



AOF Denmark (abbr. for the Workers' Educational Association), founded in 1924, is a nationwide association of 130 night schools, day schools and language centers. AOF is formed by LO, the Social Democrats, Cooperative Federation and the labor movement's youth.

(If you see any mistake in that translation let me know).



> Is it mandatory to sign up before coming ?
No. You can come even without signing up, but it helps us to estimate the number of participants - and so, to know if we planed enough space, drinks, and others.

> Can I come after 18h ?
Yes ! : ) It is absolutely not mandatory to be there since the "beginning". The event takes place FROM 18h TO 21h, and you can come and go whenever you want between those two hours.

> How do I know if I will find someone else talking the language I would like to practice ?
Indeed, that is a good question. You can never predict it. A lot of different people appear during each new meeting, talking each time different languages. The only way to find out is to come and have a look - and even if you don't find your "language-mate", we have a lot of fun already by sharing stories and curiosities together !

> What languages did you see already showing up during the previous events ?
Well, a lot of spanish, danish and french. Then german, polish, swedish, norwegian, romanian, hungarian, italian, portuguese and brasilian portuguese. But also chinese, japanese, arab, or even swahili (other speakers wanted by the way : ). I am sure to forget a lot in that list.


Hovoria o nás!

Media coverage - Polyglot Club


Kirjaval profile picture KirjavalMarch 2015

4th edition ! : D
The event is getting bigger and bigger, thanks to all of you enjoying it and coming each time with new friends and new languages. And also thanks to Eva, from Spinderihallerne !

This time, the Polyglot Club café will be hosted by the AOF center : D !!
The AOF center is an association of Worker's Education delivering night classes of all kind and other activities, in more than 130 centers over the country. As they deliver language classes to Danish and foreigners, such collaboration immediately sounded very exciting !

Hope to see you there and enjoy this first time with AOF : D !
vincent profile picture vincentFebruary 2015
great !!