Croatia - Rete Polyglot

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Benvenuto sul network Croatia Polyglot!

Dobro došli u  Polyglot Club! 

Ova stranica namijenjena je SVIMA  koji žele naučiti strani jezik ili prenesti svoje znanje drugima.

Ne zaboravite:  Quot linguas calles, tot hominem valles!

Razmijenite znanje i steknite nove prijatelje!     =)

Za sva pitanja i prijedloge obratite se administratoru hrvatske mreže (waldo_sk)

Pozdrav!  Vaš Polyglot Club!                                              



Maite123 profile picture Maite123August 2012
HAY I želim naučiti španjolski, a znam hrvatski.
deni1989 profile picture deni1989August 2012
ima li koga za ućenje engleskog
dim-dim profile picture dim-dimAugust 2012


Hello, I can help you with English and Russian ( I'm a native Russian speaker). Besides, I suggest culture exchange. You can find me here

Red_Baron profile picture Red_BaronAugust 2012
Ima li netko voljan poduciti me nekim osnovama talijankog? Unaprijed se zahvaljujem
Snorlax profile picture SnorlaxAugust 2012
HELLO TO ALL THE FRENCH PEOPLE! I'm dying to learn some French, and I can teach Croatian in return.. And also some English: ) I'm not quite sure how this thing works but I hope someone will see this post! Cheers/Pozdrav
edin-ri profile picture edin-riAugust 2012
i from Croatia