【English Corner】Artificial General Intelligence - self-awareness and co..., Wed, Jul 5, 2023, 7:00 P...

Event description

  • Data: Jul 05, 2023
  • Time: 19:00
  • Adresa: Address visible for attendees
  • www.meetup.com

Title / 主题

Unveiling the Potential of Artificial General Intelligence - Exploring Self-awareness and Consciousness | 揭示人工一般智能的潜力 - 探索自我意识和意识。

Topic / 话题

Artificial Intelligence (AI) was initially designed to perform specific pre-learned tasks, lacking human-like cognitive abilities and personality. However, the concept of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) raises the possibility of machines possessing self-awareness and consciousness, enabling them to understand and learn any intellectual task a human can. Join us this Wednesday to delve into this captivating topic.

Attention / 注意事项

We have a different topic every week, so please add Wechat account: fish_alex for more information.
我们每周都有不同的话题,请添加微信账号:fish_alex 了解更多信息。

Please sign up in advance or pay an additional ¥30

The event will be canceled if the number of participants is less than 1/3 of the expected number

Host / 主持人

Paul - 保罗 / Doctoral student
Paul is a doctoral student specializing in Education Technology and has a background in teaching Mathematics and Physics. Recently, he obtained his PhD in Education Leadership and Policy (Comparative Education). Paul has a keen interest in architecture, technology, traveling, and connecting with people from different cultures.

Register and Fee / 报名与费用

¥49 (Venue Fee + Admission Fee)
¥49 (场地费+报名费)
Please add Wechat account:fish_alex
*The event information on Meetup is not updated in time. Please add Wechat to confirm the latest event information.

PET【Bilingual Salon】/ 双语沙龙

The PET Bilingual Salon is a decentralized sharing event where people gather in a relaxed and cozy environment every week to exchange ideas on a topic prepared by friends. It provides participants with the opportunity to engage in comprehensive discussions, exploring different forms and depths of the topic. Join us to experience the joy of conversation, gain insights from others' perspectives, enhance communication skills, broaden horizons, and expand your social network.

PostEnglishTime(PET) / 后英语时代

PET is a high-quality network of English-speaking international youth in Beijing, aiming to connect locals and foreigners who share an interest in culture, language, technology, and humanities.

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