Polyglot TorontoBabel Language Exchange

Опис події

  • Дата: Mar 20, 2012
  • Час: 19:30
  • Адреса: Адреса видима для учасників
  • Couchsurfing
  • www.meetup.com

We'd like to invite all Polyglot Club members in the Toronto area to join us every Tuesday night for International Night, a language exchange group that brings together native and non-native speakers of many different languages from various countries around the world.  The group provides a fun and relaxed atmosphere where you can practice speaking a new language and make new friends with people from all over the world completely for FREE!

We typically have a very diverse group of between 100 and 120 people who are native speakers and learners of French, Spanish, Korean, English, Turkish, Portuguese, Japanese, German, Russian, Italian, Mandarin, Armenian and Polish as well as other languages.

We meet every Tuesday night upstairs in the pool bar at The Rivoli (334 Queen St. W - Queen and Spadina) starting at 7:30pm until around midnight. Take the stairs up and look for Beth.  She will be wearing a nametag. If you have any trouble, ask the bartender to direct you to the group.

If you have any questions, please contact Beth at TorontoBabelTorontoBabel profile picture

Listen to the RADIO RECORDING (CBC) !!


CHECK TV (OiToronto)

Вони говорять про нас!

Media coverage - Polyglot Club


TorontoBabel profile picture TorontoBabelSeptember 2011

If you need help with study permits, work permits, or other immigration services, contact this lawyer and he can help you:
Canadian Immigration Lawyer in Toronto
Tel: 1-416-544-8899

TorontoBabel profile picture TorontoBabelAugust 2011

Check out this interview with RCI (Radio Canada International - part of the CBC) about Babel!


vincent profile picture vincentMarch 2011

  Welcome Payman!!



Torontinho profile picture TorontinhoMarch 2011

Hey guys, my name is Payman and I'm also a polyglot. I speak French, English, Portuguese, Italian, Farsi and basic spanish and I'm currently learning Japanese and looking to improve my portuguese, Italian and Spanish. I'll be attending the meeting on Wednesday night with a friend. Looking forward to meeting many people from all over the world, make new friends and help others with any of the languages I speak while improving the ones I'm trying to learn.


See you guys on Wednesday,





vincent profile picture vincentFebruary 2011

Thanks Beth for the RADIO and TV link, that's COOL I've added them in the main post


TorontoBabel profile picture TorontoBabelFebruary 2011

Check out Beth's interview with the CBC  about TorontoBabel!


TorontoBabel profile picture TorontoBabelOctober 2010

TorontoBabel was featured on OiToronto!  Check it out!


vincent profile picture vincentAugust 2010


je pense qu'il y a des gens de tous les pays