2º encontro CPB Uberlândia

Mô tả về sự kiện

  • Date: Sept 30, 2017
  • Thời gian: 17:20
  • Địa chỉ: Địa chỉ hiện lên cho thành viên tham gia
  • Number of Attendees expected: 5
  • Số người tham dự lớn nhất: 20
  • Facebook
  • Số điện thoại: 992527717

Venha se encontrar conosco para conversar em outros idiomas e/ou treinar a(s) lingua(s) que você estuda sem pagar nada!

Local do encontro:centro de convivência do campus Santa Mônica, na Universidade Federal de Uberlândia

Venha e traga amigos, será muito bom!!

Come and meet us to talk in other languages ​​and / or train the language (s) you study without paying anything! Meeting place: center of coexistence of Santa Mônica campus(CCSM), at the Federal University of Uberlândia Come and bring friends, it will be very good !!
They talk about us!

Media coverage - Polyglot Club


vincent profile picture vincentSeptember 2017
Hello, how often does this event take place?
best regards, Vincent, admin
  • vincent profile picture vincentSeptember 2017
    No reply ? I remove the automatic update for this one. just update the event is you need to program it again
    best regards, vincent, admin
vincent profile picture vincentMarch 2017
Thanks for proposal; Vincent, webmaster
Crywlyna profile picture CrywlynaMarch 2017
É as 17:20h, horário de Brasília?