First Meeting in Melbourne

Event description


vincent profile picture vincentNovember 2010

Don't hesitate to invite all your friends !! the more the merrier

you can use this tool : click below !

    & devenez VIP!! [?]



jsfan profile picture jsfanOctober 2010

The post on Couchsurfing is post=7055009 . I'm not sure if that page is accesssible without logging into Couchsurfing but I can't set that in the group settings at all.

vincent profile picture vincentOctober 2010

Thank you jsfan !! I will bring more people that's sure! can you please write here the link to the CS meeting ?

usually polyglot meeting start at 8pm and end midnight : you can count 3 hours minimum


jsfan profile picture jsfanOctober 2010

I have advertised this meeting in the Melbourne Language Enthusiasts group on Couchsurfing. Hopefully, that will add more people.

I was asked on Couchsurfing, when this meeting is supposed to end given the rather late start. Any estimates?

vincent profile picture vincentOctober 2010

Domi will have to organize another event then

Margariteee profile picture MargariteeeOctober 2010

  Fantastic proposal ! I currently live in France but am moving to Melbourne in January - see you then !

vincent profile picture vincentOctober 2010

Thanks for proposal : that's GREAT !!