Mundo Lingo Buenos Aires - 12-Year Anniversary, Fri, Jul 21, 2023, 9:00 PM

Περιγραφή εκδήλωσης

  • Ημερομηνία: Jul 21, 2023
  • Χρόνος: 21:00
  • Διεύθυνση: Ορατή διεύθυνση για τους παρευρισκόμενους

Join us in celebrating the 12th anniversary of Mundo Lingo, a vibrant event filled with language, cultural, and social exchanges! We are incredibly grateful for your support throughout the years, and we want to commemorate this milestone with you.

Every week, hundreds of people from all over the world gather to socialize, enjoy a drink, and meet people of all ages, both locals and foreigners. It's a relaxed, enjoyable, and free event.

🟢 The Flags
Show your language fluency by wearing flags on your chest, representing over 200 countries and regions.

🟢 Stand to mingle, sit to dwindle!

🗣 Feel free to discuss any topic you like. You don't need to be an advanced speaker; the event is open to everyone!

🛎 Reception from 9 pm to 10 pm
Although not mandatory, we recommend arriving during this time if you're new or interested in drink specials.

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