Spanglish Saturday Language Exchange Palermo - Every Saturday, Sat, Jul 15, 2023, 7:00 PM

Mô tả về sự kiện

  • Date: Jul 15, 2023
  • Thời gian: 19:00
  • Địa chỉ: Địa chỉ hiện lên cho thành viên tham gia

Welcome to the Spanglish Saturday Language Exchange Palermo!

Join us for a unique opportunity to practice your language skills with native speakers. In each two-hour session, you'll be paired with different native speakers for 10-minute conversations. By attending just two times a week, you'll have the chance to meet and practice with a large number of native speakers.

Check out this video to learn more about the event.

Watch this video for a glimpse of the exciting atmosphere at our language exchange.

Discover how Spanglish can enhance your language learning journey by watching this video.

Spanglish is not just a shortcut to Spanish fluency, it's a fun and engaging way to learn. The event starts with a 30-minute check-in period, where you can get to know other participants. Approximately half of the attendees are new each time, so it's a great opportunity to make new connections. After the ice-breaking session, you'll be assigned to a table for your first one-on-one conversation. Don't worry about making mistakes, your conversation partner is in the same boat! You'll spend 5 minutes speaking in English and 5 minutes in Spanish before moving on to a new conversation partner. By the second rotation, you'll be having so much fun that you'll forget you're actually learning.

At Spanglish, there are no set topics for conversation. You can talk about anything you want, from your favorite superheroes to your favorite restaurants. It's the perfect opportunity to practice another language while hanging out in a relaxed environment.

Who attends Spanglish? The event attracts study abroad students, international students, local Argentine students studying English, and anyone looking for a flexible, affordable, and comfortable environment to practice their conversation skills.

The event costs AR$1600 per session if paid on-site. However, you can also get the Spanglish package for 4 events at AR$5600. Additionally, if you prefer virtual language exchange events, they are available for free.

For more information, visit our website and check out pictures from previous events on our Facebook page.



Simply go directly to the bar during the check-in time and you will find our friendly Spanglish Staff who will register you on the spot!


During each two-hour session, you will be paired with native speakers for 10-minute conversations. Attending at least two times a week for 2 hours each time will give you the opportunity to meet and practice with a large number of native speakers. Learning Spanish fluently takes time, but with Spanglish, the learning process becomes so enjoyable that you won't even notice the effort. The event starts with a 40-minute check-in period, where you can get to know other participants. About half of the attendees are new each time, so it's a wonderful chance to make new friends. After a short ice-breaking session, you will be assigned to a group for your first conversation. Don't worry about making mistakes, everyone is in the same boat! You'll spend 5 minutes conversing in English and 5 minutes in Spanish before moving on to a new group of conversation partners. By the second rotation, you'll be having so much fun that you'll forget you're actually learning.


The event attracts study abroad students, international students, local Argentine students studying English, and anyone looking for a flexible, affordable, and comfortable environment to practice their conversation skills.

They talk about us!

Media coverage - Polyglot Club