Make Polyglot Arabia's Association

Event description


  • bezzaf profile picture bezzafJune 2014
    too bad that you did not come to the meeting.i really felt sad because we did not have the chance to see all the regular members here.Guys , just please tell me how you want to meet and what are your language plans in the future.we need your help to create an association .thanks
bezzaf profile picture bezzafJune 2014

Today ,  Polyglot Oran Admin ,Three other members and I , met in the Garden , in open air .It was a sunny hot day, we sit on wooden chair under tree shadow.It was friendly atmosphere.May be just the beginning.I'm sorry for those who promise to come but did not come .Waiting for more events inchallah.Salam ( Larbi : Polyglot Algeria Admin)

vincent profile picture vincentJune 2014
Have fun ! I will not be there as I am in Paris but you have all my support ! Vince (admin)
Gilledz profile picture GilledzJune 2014
Salam Algerian Polyglots, are you ready for the big day?
