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Turkmen Vocabulary - Health

Hi Turkmen learners! 😊
In this lesson, we will learn Turkmen vocabulary related to health. It is essential to know these words, especially when traveling or seeking medical help. You can also use the Polyglot Club website to find native speakers and ask them any questions! Don't forget to check out the Vocabulary category for more lessons on other topics related to Turkmen language.

Common ailments[edit | edit source]

Knowing how to describe what's wrong with you is key to seeking medical help. Here are some common ailments:

Turkmen Pronunciation English
ýakyňlyk jukhunlyk fever
baş aýrygy bash ayrughy headache
deňňe goýulmak dennye goyumak toothache
göz aýrygy goz ayrughy eye ache
ýürek aýrygy jurek ayrughy heartache
agyr gysym aghyr gysym stomach ache
pozulma pozulma indigestion
syýysy siisi cough
pisisýär pisisiyar sneeze
inmeýän iş inmeyan ish constipation
ýaryşyk yaryshyk diarrhea


  • Person 1: Biz gije ýakyňlyk bilen ýüzleşýäris. (We have a fever.)
  • Person 2: Täze ýapylyp salgaryňyz gerek. (You need to see a doctor immediately.)

Symptoms[edit | edit source]

When describing symptoms, it is essential to use the right words. Here are some common symptoms:

Turkmen Pronunciation English
sabynýan sabunyan dizzy
zaýyply zayypli nauseous
ugruklygy geljek ugruklygy geljek feel faint
kaltak açyly kaltak achyly leg pain
bel açyly bel achyly back pain
goýunulyk goyunulyk fatigue
çäk-çäk ýürek ýazyşy chak-chak jurek yazyshy palpitations
titreme titreme shivering
guýulma guyulma sweating


  • Person 1: Men zaýyplydyr. (I feel nauseous.)
  • Person 2: Gerek ulanyp bilmek üçin taýýar bol. (Get ready to vomit.)

Injuries[edit | edit source]

Injuries can happen to anyone, and it's good to know the correct terminology to communicate about them. Here are some useful words and phrases:

Turkmen Pronunciation English
uruk uruk wound
şitil shitil bandage
orun orun bruise
naýza nayza sprain
sürtük syrtuk scratch
agaç agtara-gytara ýarylandy agach agtara-gytara yarylandy stepped on a branch
gözenç üsti öchmek gozench üsti ochmek fall flat on one's face


  • Person 1: Meniň gozyma daňnamak edipdir. (I poked myself in the eye.)
  • Person 2: Pudra ýeriňize goýun. (Put powder on the site of the injury.)

Medical Care[edit | edit source]

When seeking medical care, it's also essential to know the right vocabulary. Here are some useful words:

Turkmen Pronunciation English
hospital hospital hospital
derman derman medicine
barmak kir-dalmak barmak kir-dalmak get a shot
hemiki hemiki prescription
oprasyýöji oprasyyoji surgeon
terapiýa terapiya therapy
tapgyr biri tapgyr biri nurse
saglygy monitorlaşdymyz saglygy monitorlashdymyz we monitor health


  • Person 1: Meniň dişim gajan bilen gaýymdyr. (My tooth hurts badly.)
  • Person 2: Sen dişçi goýlyp bilmeli. (You must see the dentist.)

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

We hope that this lesson has been useful to you. Remember to practice and use these words as often as possible to improve your Turkmen vocabulary! Don't hesitate to reach out to native speakers to practice and improve.

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