Difference between revisions of "Language/Turkish/Vocabulary/Turkish-French-Transparent-Words"

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Line 91: Line 91:
Lycee - Lise
Château - Şato
Chevalier - Şövalye
École - Ekol
Presentable - prezantabl
Presentation - prezantasyon
Action - Aksiyon
laiklik - laïcité
école - okul

Revision as of 21:47, 25 January 2023

Turkish vs French words in Turkish

Hello everybody,

Transparent words are two words that have a similar spelling and the same meaning in 2 languages.

Here is a list of transparent words in Turkish and French.

Here is a list of the main ones.

Happy learning! :)

Lawyer Avocats Avukat
Lampshade Abat-jour Abajur
Banner Affiche Afiş
packing Emballages Ambalaj
Ambulance Ambulance Ambulans
Bulb Ampoules Ampul
Survey Enquete Anket
Asphalt Asphalte Asfalt
Athlete Athlète Atlet
Luggage Bagage Bagaj
Dam Barrage Baraj
Concrete Beton Beton
Screen Ecran Ekran
Detergent Dètergent Deterjan
Couch Canapè Kanepe
Perfume Parfum Parfüm
Trousers Pantalon Pantolon
Pardon Pardon Pardon
Suitcase Valise Valiz

Lycee - Lise

Château - Şato

Chevalier - Şövalye

École - Ekol

Presentable - prezantabl

Presentation - prezantasyon

Action - Aksiyon

laiklik - laïcité

école - okul