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Tosk Albanian Grammar - Give your Opinion

Hi Tosk Albanian learners! 😊
In this lesson, we will focus on giving your opinion in Tosk Albanian. Expressing one's point of view is essential in any language. It allows you to make conversation and express your thoughts and feelings about a topic. Tosk Albanian offers a variety of expressions and idioms that can help to express your opinion effectively.

After mastering this lesson, these related pages might interest you: Questions & Nouns and Gender.

Vocabulary[edit | edit source]

Let's review some useful vocabulary for expressing opinions:

Tosk Albanian Pronunciation English
mendim [mɛn.'dim] opinion
mendoj [mɛn.'dɔj] to think
besoj [bɛ.'sɔj] to believe
nuk më intereson [nuk mə ‘in.tɛ.'rɛ.sɔn] I'm not interested
më pëlqen [mə pəl.'cɛn] I like
s'më pëlqen [sə 'mə pəl.'cɛn] I don't like
është e bukur [ɛʃ.'tə ɛ 'bu.kur] it is beautiful
është e shkëlqyeshme [ɛʃ.'tə ɛ ʃkəl.'qjɛʃ.mɛ] it is brilliant
është e neveritshme [ɛʃ.'tə ɛ nɛ.və.'riʦ.mɛ] it is awful
është e thjeshtë [ɛʃ.'tə ɛ 'θjɛʃ.tə] it is simple
është e vështirë [ɛʃ.'tə ɛ vəʃ.'ti.rə] it is difficult

Giving your opinion[edit | edit source]

When you want to express your opinion in Tosk Albanian, you can use the following sentences as examples.

  • Mendoj që ky film është shumë i mirë. (I think this movie is very good.)
  • Besoj se ky restorant është shumë i shtrenjtë. (I believe that this restaurant is very expensive.)
  • Nuk më intereson politika. (I am not interested in politics.)
  • Më pëlqen të kaloj kohën me familjen time. (I like to spend time with my family.)
  • S'më pëlqen të bëj sporte. (I don't like to do sports.)
  • Është e bukur kjo katedrale. (This cathedral is beautiful.)
  • Është e neveritshme ky pamje. (This view is horrible.)
  • Besoj që e ardhmja ime do të jetë brilliant. (I believe that my future will be brilliant.)

Use these sentences as examples, changing them to include your own opinions. Expressing a unique opinion will engage your conversation partner, and will lead to more meaningful interactions.

Here is an example dialogue to help you get started:

  • Person 1: Mendoj se kjo libër është e mrekullueshme. (I think this book is wonderful.)
  • Person 2: Po, edhe mua më pëlqen. (Yes, I like it too.)
  • Person 1: A mendon se ka një mesazh kryesor në këtë libër? (Do you think there is a main message in this book?)
  • Person 2: Besoj se autori po përpiqet të na tregojë se sa e rëndësishme është miqësia. (I believe that the author is trying to show us how important friendship is.)

Grammar[edit | edit source]

To express your opinion, you need to be able to use different verbs, tenses, and mood. Let's take a closer look at the grammar involved.

Verbs of opinion[edit | edit source]

In Tosk Albanian, verbs of opinion are used when expressing an opinion. These include:

  • mendoj (I think)
  • besoj (I believe)
  • kam kuptimin se (I understand that)
  • dua të them se (I want to say that)

These verbs are usually followed by a dependent clause, which includes the subject of the opinion.


  • Mendoj se kjo është një ide shumë e mirë. (I think that this is a very good idea.)

Present tense[edit | edit source]

To express a current opinion, we use the present tense. When using the present tense, the verb agrees with the subject in person and number.


  • Më pëlqen të shoh filma. (I like to watch movies.)

Past tense[edit | edit source]

To express an opinion in the past, we use the past tense.


  • Mendoj që ky vendim ishte i gabuar. (I think that this decision was wrong.)

Conditional mood[edit | edit source]

We use the conditional mood to express hypothetical opinions or to talk about something that we might do in the future. The conditional tense is formed by adding the particle do të before the past tense form of the verb.


  • Do të më pëlqente të shkoja në Itali. (I would like to go to Italy.)

Subjunctive mood[edit | edit source]

The subjunctive mood is used to express opinions that are uncertain or hypothetical. The subjunctive tense is formed by using the present tense of the verb, followed by the word të and the present tense of the verb in the infinitive.


  • Dua që ai të ndryshojë mendje. (I want him to change his mind.)

Practice[edit | edit source]

Use the following prompts to practice giving your opinion in Tosk Albanian. You can also use the Polyglot Club website to help you find native speakers and ask them any questions you have about expressing your opinion.

1. Çfarë mendoni për futbollin? 2. A mund të me thuash se cila është muzika juaj më e preferuar? 3. A është miqësia shumë e rëndësishme për ju? 4. Besoni në dashuri të parë? 5. Si ndiheni kur jetoni larg familjes suaj?

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

In this lesson, you have learned how to express your opinion in Tosk Albanian using vocabulary, grammar, and examples. Remember to always form your own opinion and express it confidently in your conversational interactions. Stay engaged with the language and practice as much as you can!

➡ If you have any questions, please ask them in the comments section below.
➡ Feel free to edit this wiki page if you think it can be improved. 😎

Finished this lesson? Check out these related lessons: Negation & Time and Dates.

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