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In today's lesson, you will learn some words related to religion in Spanish. Good learning! :)

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Palabras generales (General words)

Spanish English
Religión Religion
Dios God
Creyente Believer
Ateo Atheist
Templo Temple

Cristianismo (Christianity)

Spanish English
Padrenuestro Our father
AveMaría Ave Maria
Católico Catholic
Ortodoxo Orthodox
Evangélico Evangelical
Protestante Protestant
Navidad Christmas
Pascua Easter
Cruz cross
Resurrección Resurrection
Bautismo Baptism
Eucaristía Eucharist
Pentecostés Pentecost
Viernes Santo Holy Friday
Obispo Bishop
Arzobispo Archbishop
Sacerdote Priest
Biblia Bible
Nuevo Testamento New Testament
Iglesia church
Catedral Cathedral
Parroquia Parish
Apocalipsis Apocalypse
Evangelio. Gospel.
Crisma Chrism
Cristo Christ
Jesucristo Jesus Christ
Trinidad Trinity

Judaísmo (Judaism)

Spanish English
Judío Jewish
Torá Torah
Rabino Rabbi
Circuncisión Circumcision
Pésaj Pesach

Islam (Islam)

Spanish English
Mahoma Muhammad
Corán Koran
Musulmán Muslim
Mezquita Mosque
Ramadán Ramadan


¡ Gracias a Dios !

The Spanish language is somewhat influenced by religion. "Gracias a Dios" will be used to express your relief: "Thank God"! You also have the i "Dios mío!", Equivalent Spanish expression of "My God!".

A quién madruga, Dios le ayuda.

Literal translation: God helps who gets up early

¡Ángel a María!

Literal translation: The angel to Mary! Meaning: Exclamation when receiving surprising or amazing news ...

Cuando el Diablo no sabe qué hacer, con el rabo mata moscas.

Literal translation: When the devil does not know what to do, he kills flies with the tail. Meaning: Idleness or laziness facilitate absurd actions or meaningless work.


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