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Family in Serbian
Family in Serbian


Hello Everyone, 😊

In today’s lesson we are going to study the following topic: ”FAMILY” in Serbian

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Family in Serbian[edit | edit source]

English examples English Serbian Serbian examples
This is my family. family porodica / породица Ovo je moja porodica.
My parents are good. parents roditelji / родитељи Moji roditelji su dobri.
This is my mother. mother majka / мајка Ovo je moja majka.
I love my mom. mom mama / мама Volim moju mamu.
This is my father. father otac / отац Ovo je moj otac.
My dad is the best. dad tata / тата Moj tata je najbolji.
This is my son. son sin / син Ovo je moj sin.
My daughter is beautiful. daughter ćerka / ћерка Moja ćerka je lepa.
He is my elder brother. brother brat / брат On je moj stariji brat.
She is my elder sister. sister sestra / сестра Ona je moja starija sestra.
His wife is attractive wife žena / жена Njegova žena je privlačna.
Her husband is a doctor. husband muž / муж Njen muž je doktor.
His cousin lives in Brisel cousin rođak / рођак

rođaka / рођака

Njegov rođak živi u Briselu.

Njegova rođaka živi u Briselu.

These are my grandparents. grandparents baba i deda / баба и деда Ovo su moji baba i deda.
My grandmother is a wise woman. grandmother baba / баба Moja baba je mudra žena.
My grandfather is very old. grandfather deda / деда Moj deda je veoma star.
His grandson is professor grandson unuk / унук Njegov unuk je profesor.
Her granddaugher is still a baby. granddaughter unuka / унука Njena unuka je još beba.
These are my grandsons. grandsons unuci / унуци Ovo su moji unuci.
My granddaughters are beautiful. granddaughters unuke / унуке Moje unuke su lepe.
My great grandfather is still alive. great grandfather pradeda / прадеда Moj pradeda je jos uvek živ.
My great grandmother is still alive. great grandmother prababa / прабаба Moja prababa je još uvek živa.
She will be my Godmother. Godmother kuma / кума Ona će biti moja kuma.
My Godfather is rich. Godfather kum кум Moj kum je bogat.
My mother in low is teacher. mother-in-low svekrva - tašta / свекрва -ташта Moja svekrva / tašta je učiteljica.
My father in low is ex basketball player father-in-low svekar - tast / свекар - таст Moj svekar / tast je bivši košarkaš.
My daughter in low is a singer. daughter-in-low snaja / снаја Moja snaja je pevačica.
My son in low is good. son-in-low zet / зет Moj zet je dobar.
My sister-in-low lives in France. sister-in-low jetrva / јетрва Moja jetrva živi u Francuskoj.
I love my boyfriend. boyfriend momak / момак Volim mog momka.
His girlfriend is very beautiful girlfriend devojka / девојка Njegova devojka je veoma lepa.
My realative live in the village relatives rođaci / рођаци Moji rođaci žive na selu.
My nephew is very smart. nephew nećak / нећак

sestrić / сестрић

bratanac / братанац

Moj nećak je pametan.
My niece is older than my son. niece nećaka / нећака

sestričina / сестричина

bratanica / братаница

Moja sestričina je mladja od mog sina.
I never met my uncle. uncle ujak / ујак

stric / стриц

Nikad nisam upoznala svog ujaka.
My aunt makes the best cakes. aunt ujna / ујна

tetka / тетка

Moja tetka pravi najbolje kolače.
He is my child. child dete / дете On je moje dete.
My children have good school marks. children deca / деца Moja deca imaju dobre ocene.
He is very cute baby. baby beba / беба On je veoma slatka beba.

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