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Vegetables in Serbian

Welcome to our lesson on Serbian Vocabulary → Vegetables! 🥦🥕 As a Serbian language teacher with 20 years of experience, I am excited to help you expand your vocabulary in this area. After mastering this lesson, you might also be interested in exploring other related topics, such as Breakfast vocabulary in Serbian, Serbian Vocabulary - Astronomy, and Music and Performances in the Serbian language. Let's dive into the world of vegetables and enrich your Serbian vocabulary!

Vegetables in Serbian[edit | edit source]



asparagus шпаргла shplah pluh nah
 beans пасуљ pah sou lih
beetroot цвекла tsveh klah
broccoli броколи broh koh lih
Brussels sprouts прокељ proh keh lih
cabbage купус kou poos
carrot шаргарепа shahr gah reh pah
cauliflower карфиол kahr fih ohl
celery целер tseh lehr
corn кукуруз kou kou rooz
cucumber краставац krahs tah vahts
eggplant плави патлиџан plah vih pah tlih tsahn
kale кељ keh lih
lettuce зелена салата zeh leh nah sah lah tah
onion лук look
peas грашак grah shahk
potato кромпир kroh peer
pumpkin бундева boon deh vah
radish ротквица roht kvih tsah
spinach спанаћ spah nah chih
tomatoes парадајз pah rah dah ihz
turnips репа reh pah
green beans боранија boh rah nee ah
zucchini тиквица tihk vih tsah
mushrooms печурке peh choor keh
pepper паприка pah prih kah
garlic бели лук beh lih look
leek празилук prah zih look
parsley першун pehr shook
sour craut кисели купус kih seh lih kou poos
artichoke артичока ahr tih choh kah
parsnip пашканат pahsh kah naht

Examples[edit | edit source]

The following sentences you can use in your daily conversation:

  • Ne želim da jedem brokoli za ručak, više volim šniclu sa krompirom. - I don't want to eat broccoli for lunch, because i prefer steak with potatoe.
  • On uopšte ne jede zelene paprike - He doesn't eat green peppers at all.
  • Ne volim da jedem zelenu salatu i rotkvice - I hate to eat lettuce and radishes.
  • Pečurke sadrže značaju količinu minerala. - Mushrooms contain significant amounts of minerals.
  • Šta ćemo imati za ručak danas? Imaćemo kiseli kupus sa slaninom. - What we will have for lunch today? We will have sour craut with bacon.
  • Koje je tvoje omiljeno povrće? - What is your favourite vegetable?
  • Zec voli šargarepu. - Rabbit likes carrot.
  • Alergičan/ alergična sam na luk - I'm allergic to onion.
  • On uzgaja paradajz u svojoj bašti - He grows tomatoes in his garden
  • Volim da jedem pitu s bundevom. - I like to eat pumpkin pie.
  • Da li voliš je jedeš grašak? - Do you like to eat peas?

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