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Body Parts in Serbian
Body Parts in Serbian


Hello Everyone, 😊

In today’s lesson we are going to study the following topic: ”BODY PARTS” in Serbian

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Body Parts in Serbian[edit | edit source]

English Serbian English Transliteration Brazilian Portuguese
The hairs Длаке dlah keh Os cabelos
The head Глава glah vah A cabeça
The ear Уво ou voh A orelha
The eye Око oh koh O olho
The nose Нос nohs O nariz
The mouth Уста oos tah A boca
The tooth Зуб zoob O dente
The tongue Језик yeh zihk A língua


The fingernail Нокат noh kaht A unha
The foot Стопало stoh pah loh O pé
The leg Нога noh gah A perna
The knee Колено koh leh noh O joelho
The hand Рука roo kah A mão
The neck Врат vraht O pescoço
The back Леђа leh jah As costas
The heart Срце suhr tseh O coração
The forehead Чело cheh loh A testa

Other words[edit | edit source]

  • ruka / ruke - arm / arms
  • leđa - back
  • uvo / uši - ear/ ears
  • oko / oči - eye / eyes
  • lice - face
  • stopalo / stopala - foot / feet
  • prst / prsti - finger / fingers
  • kosa - hair
  • glava - head
  • kolena - knees
  • noga / noge - leg /legs
  • usta - mouth
  • vrat - neck
  • nos - nose
  • nozdrva - nostril
  • rame / ramena - shoulder /shoulders
  • nadlaktica - upper arm
  • podlaktica - forearm
  • koža - skin
  • stomak - stomach
  • zub / zubi - tooth / teeth
  • palac - thumb
  • nožni prsti - toes
  • jezik - tongue
  • grudi - chest
  • lakat - elbow
  • članak - ankle
  • trepavica - eyelash
  • obrva - eyebrow
  • zadnjica - buttocks
  • šaka - hand
  • usne - lips
  • obraz - cheek
  • čelo - forehead
  • ručni zglob - wrist
  • kuk - hip
  • brada - chin
  • butina - thigh
  • pazuh - underarm
  • pluća - lungs
  • abdomen - abdomen
  • rebra - ribs
  • kosti - bones
  • bubreg - kidney
  • mozak - brain
  • srce - heart
  • vene - veins
  • grlo - throat
  • jetra - liver
  • nokti - nails

Examples[edit | edit source]

01) Dočekala sam majku raširenih ruku - I greeted my mother with open arms.

02) Njeni prijatelji je uvek ogovaraju iza leđa - Her friends always talk behind her back

03) Neki ljudi misle da su reklame ispiranje mozga. - Some people think that advertising is a form of brainwashing

04) Oni su ti isprali mozak - They've brainwashed you.

05) Toma je poljubio Anu u obraz - Tom gave Ann a kiss on the cheek

06) Držaću sirom otvorene oči prilikom kupovine – I will keep my eyes open when i go shopping.

07) Molim te drži mi palčeve – Please cross your fingers for me.

08) Ne upiri prstom u mene - Don't point your finger at me.

09) Imam posao, pa sada mogu da stanem na svoje noge – I have a job, so I can now stand on my own feet.

10) Od mraka mi se diže kosa na glavi. - The dark makes my hair stand on end.

11) Da li ti gore uši? Neko te ogovara. – Are your ears burning? Someone is gossiping you.

12) Imaš dugačak jezik, mnogo pričaš.- You have a long tongue, you speak a lot.

13) Ti možeš sve ako uključiš mozak. - You can do anything, if you put your mind to it.

14) Pretvorio/ pretvorila sam se u uvo - I'm all ears.

15) S neba pa u rebra - From sky to ribs

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