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Animals in Polish
Animals in Polish


Hello Everyone, 😊

In today’s lesson we are going to study the following topic: ”ANIMALS” in Polish

Please feel free to edit this page if you think it can be improved!

Good learning!







Animals in Polish





The fish Ryba reh bah O peixe
The bird Ptak ptahk O pássaro
The dog Pies pyehs O cachorro
The pig Świnia shvih nyah O porco
The rabbit Królik krou lihk O coelho
The donkey Osioł oh show O burro
The mouse Mysz mihsh O rato
The horse Koń koh nyh O cavalo
The turtle Żółw zhoov A tartaruga
The spider Pająk pie ohn A aranha
The duck Kaczka kah chih kah O pato
The lion Lew lehv O leão
The bear Niedźwiedź nyehd vyehd O urso
The elephant Słoń sou oh nih O elefante
The cat Kot koht O gato

Other animals

Here are the names of some animals in Polish. Please edit this lesson with more animals and sentences.

ssaki mammals 🐩 🐑
gady reptiles 🐊 🐍
owady insects 🐛 🐞
ryby fish 🐟
baran ram 🐏
bawół buffalo 🐃
bóbr beaver
byk bull
chomik hamster 🐹
delfin dolphin 🐬
foka seal
fretka ferret
jeleń stag
kangur kangaroo
koń horse 🐎
kot cat 🐈
koza goat 🐐
królik rabbit 🐇
krowa cow 🐄
lampart leopard 🐆
lew lion
lis fox
małpa monkey 🐒
mrówka ant 🐜
mucha fly
mysz mouse 🐁
niedźwiedź bear
nietoperz bat
nosorożec rhinoceros
pająk spider
pies dog 🐕
ptak bird 🐦
pszczoła bee 🐝
renifer reindeer
świnia pig 🐖
szczur rat 🐀
szynszyla chinchilla
tygrys tiger 🐅
wąż snake 🐍
wielbłąd camel 🐫
wiewiórka squirrel
wilk wolf 🐺
żyrafa giraffe
świerszcz cricket
żuk beetle

Expressions with animals

✔ As poor as a church mouse - biedny jak mysz kościelna
✔As blind as bat - ślepy jak kret (kret - mole)
✔To be as stubborn as a mule - uparty jak osioł (in polish: osioł - donkey)
✔As meek as a lamb - potulny jak baranek
✔To fight like cat and dog - żyć jak pies z kotem
✔As quiet as a mouse - cichy jak mysz
✔Like a bull in a china shop - jak słoń (in polish: słoń - elephant) w składzie porcelany
✔Buy a pig in a poke - kupić kota (in polish: kot- cat) w worku
✔Play cat and mouse with... - bawić się w kotka i myszkę z...
✔It's raining cats and dogs - leje jak z cebra (there is no animals in polish translation)
✔An early bird - ranny ptaszek
✔A bird in hand is worth two in the bush - lepszy wróbel (sparrow) w garści, niż gołąb (pigeon) na dachu
✔a wolf in sheep’s clothing – wilk w owczej skórze
✔at a snail’s pace – w tempie ślimaka
✔be like a bull in a shop from china – zachowywać się niezgrabnie
✔fight like cat and dog – walczyć ze sobą jak pies z kotem
✔a snake in the grass – podstępna żmija (o osobie)
donkey work – czarna robota
✔a cock-and-bull story – niestworzona historia, bajeczka
rat race – wyścig szczurów
✔hit the bull’s eye – trafić w dziesiątkę

Listen the Polish pronunciation


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