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Maltese Vocabulary - Geography

Hi Maltese learners! 😊
In this lesson, we will learn some Maltese words related to geography. Geography is the study of the world, its people, and the landscapes they create. Knowing these words will help you understand better the Maltese culture and its environment. Don't hesitate to practice with native Maltese speakers and ask them any questions you may have about Maltese geography. As usual, to improve your Maltese Vocabulary, you can also use the Polyglot Club website.

Basic Geography Terms[edit | edit source]

Let's start with some basic geography terms:

Maltese Pronunciation English
Artal ahr-tahl Globe
Dinja deen-ya World
Kontinent kon-tee-nent Continent
Spanja span-ya Spain
Afrika ah-free-ka Africa
Ewropa yeu-roh-pa Europe
  • Person 1: Mhux taf nispera kontinent li jmutt minn Spanja.
  • Person 2: Veru, l-Afrika qed tezisti hekk kif ukoll l-Ewropa.
  • Translation:
  • Person 1: I didn't know that a continent separates Spain from Africa.
  • Person 2: Yes, Africa exists along with Europe.

Maltese Islands[edit | edit source]

There are three main islands in Maltese geography:

Maltese Pronunciation English
Malta mal-tah Malta
Għawdex aw-desh Gozo
Kemmuna kem-moo-na Comino
  • Person 1: Xi darba inħadem excursions fl-aqwa ezempju ta’ xogħol u sejħiet fil-Għawdex?
  • Person 2: Forsi tara esperjenza ħelu fiż-żona tal-Qbajjar f’Għawdex.
  • Translation:
  • Person 1: Have you ever had an excursion in Gozo having as an example a work and travel program?
  • Person 2: Perhaps you will find a great experience in Qbajjar region in Gozo.

Landscape Features and Landforms[edit | edit source]

Malta has distinctive landscape features, such as:

Maltese Pronunciation English
Barka bar-ka Cliff
Dar dar Valley
Dinja deen-ya World
Sqalliqa skwa-leek-kah Cave
Ras raz Headland
  • Person 1: Fejn nista’ nara sqalliqa favoluża fil-Gżejjer Maltin?
  • Person 2: Hekk, il-Maqluba tista' tkun wahda mill-ikbar u tajba sqalliqa favoluża f'Malta.
  • Translation:
  • Person 1: Where can I find a magnificent cave in Malta?
  • Person 2: Yes, Maqluba can be one of the biggest and best caves in Malta.

Maltese Coastal Areas[edit | edit source]

Malta and Gozo offer several coastal areas. Here are some Maltese words related to those areas:

Maltese Pronunciation English
Majjistral maj-jees-trahl North-Northwest wind
Xatt h-at Promenade
Fliegu flee-yew Bay
Għażżenin azz-ze-nin Creek
Qawra kaw-rah Rocky coast
Ix-Xaqqa shak-ka Natural cove
  • Person 1: Ningħata f'parir li joeqaf mqiegħed u stenbaħ lil dawk li qed joqogħdu f'promenada.
  • Person 2: Hemm postijiet immaħħna kbira fejn nistgħu nidhru minn skond luċija - Jekk jogħġbok jeħilhom bl-Ingliz!
  • Translation:
  • Person 1: I suggest to stop sitting and congratulate those who are having a walk on the promenade.
  • Person 2: There are many places on the Maltese coast where we can see the sea from a different point of view - if you like, I can tell you the English name!

Maltese Climate[edit | edit source]

Malta is a warm country with a Mediterranean climate. Malta is one of the warmest countries in Europe with an average temperature of 23 degrees Celsius. Here are some words related to the Maltese Climate:

Maltese Pronunciation English
Ħalq hal-k Heat
Maħar ma-har Sea Breeze
Imsellaħ im-sell-ah Mild
Ilsien il-syen Wind
Shanas shan-as Rainbow
Ħamsa ham-sah Five
  • Person 1: Inti ser tkun hemm f'posta fejn kemmien ta' 35 grad fuq il-għadu?
  • Person 2: Naħseb li m'iniex se nżomm hemm il-bqija tas-sajf lura, għax hemm ħamra żejda u biżżeġ x'għandu dejjem.
  • Translation:
  • Person 1: Are you going to stay in a place where it's 35 degrees hot tomorrow?
  • Person 2: I don't think I will stay in Malta for the rest of the summer season because it's too hot and dry every once in a while.

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