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Maltese Vocabulary - Drinks

Hi Maltese learners! 😊
In this lesson, we will learn the vocabulary for drinks in Maltese. Drinks are an essential part of Maltese culture, and the language has a rich variety of words for different kinds of beverages. Let's dive in and expand our Maltese vocabulary! Don't forget, to improve your Maltese Vocabulary, you can use the Polyglot Club website. Find native speakers and ask them any questions!

Beverages[edit | edit source]

Malta has a rich diversity of beverages, including hot beverages, soft drinks, and alcoholic beverages. Here is a list of the most common beverages, along with their translations.

Maltese Pronunciation English
te t-eh tea
kafè ka-fay coffee
ħalib ħa-leeb milk
ilma il-ma water
ilma kiesaħ il-ma kee-sa-h cold water
għasel aa-sel honey
luminata loo-min-ah-tah lemonade
xarba friska shar-bah frisk-a cold drink
kola kol-a cola
meraq tal-larinġ meh-raq tahl-lah-rin-ch orange juice
xorb shorb drink
birra bir-rah beer
inbid in-beed wine

Important Words and Phrases[edit | edit source]

If you want to order a drink or discuss beverages, here are some important words and phrases you should know.

  • Jekk jogħġbok - "Please"
  • Grazzi - "Thank you"
  • Jien nixtieq"..." - "I'll have..."
  • Saħħa- "Cheers!"
  • Il-kont, jekk jogħġbok- "The bill, please"
  • B’xejn - "For free"
  • Mhux alkoħoliku - "Non-alcoholic"
  • Skużani - "Excuse me"
  • Ħallini nixtri/ nagħmel ordni - "Let me order / make an order"

Here's an example dialogue to help you understand these phrases:

  • Person 1: Tibgħatli x’għandek, jekk jogħġbok. ("Could you send me your menu, please?")
  • Person 2: Jien nixtieq tazza inbid (abjad/ahmar), jekk jogħġbok. ("I would like a glass of (white/red) wine, please.")
  • Person 3: Xarba friska mhux alkoħolika . ("Non-alcoholic cold drink.")
  • Waiter: Kollox hu skond il-gosti tiegħek! ("All according to your taste!")
  • Person 1: Grazzi. Il-kont, jekk jogħġbok. ("Thank you. The bill, please.")

It is always handy to know some basic conversational phrases when ordering drinks in Maltese.

Fun Facts[edit | edit source]

Did you know that Malta has its own local wine? The Maltese wine industry dates back to Roman times, with the Maltese islands being a noteworthy producer of wine throughout the ages. The local variety of Maltese wine is called "Girgentina," named after a grape variety that is unique to Malta.

Another fascinating fact is that during the hot summer months, Maltese people often drink and serve a refreshing homemade lemonade called "Kinnie," which has a taste quite similar to bitter orange soda.

In Conclusion[edit | edit source]

We hope that this lesson has expanded your Maltese vocabulary related to beverages. Keep practicing these words and phrases whenever you can, and remember to try and speak Maltese whenever possible with native speakers. To learn more Maltese vocabulary and phrases, check out the Vocabulary section on the Polyglot Club website. Grazzi! 😊

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