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Numbers in Galician
Numbers in Galician

Hello Everyone, 😊

Welcome to our lesson on Galician Vocabulary → Numbers. In this lesson, we will explore the fascinating world of numbers in the Galician language. As you learn about numbers, you might also be interested in other related topics, such as how to Say Hello and Greetings in Galician, understanding Time expressions, and mastering Galician Vocabulary - Greetings. Feel free to contribute to this page if you think it can be improved. Enjoy your journey into the Galician language! 😃

Numbers in Galician[edit | edit source]





one un / unha oon / ou nah um / uma
two dous / dúas doh oos / dou ahs dois / duas
three tres trehs três
four catro kah troh quatro
five cinco sihn koh cinco
six seis says seis
seven sete seh teh sete
eight oito oh ih toh oito
nine nove noh veh nove
ten dez dehs dez
eleven once ohn seh onze
twelve doce doh seh doze
thirteen trece treh seh treze
fourteen catorce kah tohr seh quatorze
fifteen quince kihn seh quinze
sixteen dezaseis deh zah says dezesseis
seventeen dezasete deh zah seh teh dezessete
eighteen dezaoito deh zah oh ih toh dezoito
nineteen dezanove deh zah noh veh dezenove
twenty vinte veen teh vinte
twenty one vinte e un veen teh eh oon vinte e um
twenty two vinte e dous veen teh eh doh oos vinte e dois
twenty three vinte e tres veen teh eh trehs vinte e três
thirty trinta trihn tah trinta
thirty one trinta e un trihn tah eh oon trinta e um
forty corenta koh rehn tah quarenta
forty one corenta e un koh rehn tah eh oon quarenta e um
fifty cincuenta sihn kou ehn tah cinqüenta
sixty sesenta seh sehn tah sessenta
seventy setenta seh tehn tah setenta
eighty oitenta oh ih tehn tah oitenta
ninety noventa noh vehn tah noventa
one hundred cen sehn cem
one hundred

and one



sehn toh



e um

two hundred douscentos doh oos sehn tohs duzentos
three hundred tres centos trehs sehn tohs trezentos
four hundred catrocentos kah troh sehn tohs quatrocentos
five hundred cincocentos sihn koh sehn tohs quinhentos
six hundred seiscentos says sehn tohs seiscentos
seven hundred setecentos seh teh sehn tohs setecentos
eight hundred oitocentos oh ih toh sehn tohs oitocentos
nine hundred novecentos noh veh sehn tohs novecentos
one thousand mil mihl mil
two thousand dous mil doh ohs mihl dois mil

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