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<div class="pg_page_title">French/English True Cognates List</div>
<div class="pg_page_title">French/English True Cognates List</div>
In this lesson, we will be focusing on true cognates between English and French. Cognates are words that have a common origin and a similar form and meaning in two languages. True cognates are those that have the same origin and meaning in both languages, without any significant changes.
There are around 1,700 French cognates, many of which are identical to their English counterparts.  
There are around 1,700 French cognates, many of which are identical to their English counterparts.  

Revision as of 00:45, 8 February 2023

French/English True Cognates List

In this lesson, we will be focusing on true cognates between English and French. Cognates are words that have a common origin and a similar form and meaning in two languages. True cognates are those that have the same origin and meaning in both languages, without any significant changes.

There are around 1,700 French cognates, many of which are identical to their English counterparts.

We have put together a list of the most common true French Cognates. In French, we call them "Vrais Amis".

Legend: types for French

  • m: masculine noun
  • f: feminine noun
  • adj: adjective
  • adv: adverb
  • v: verb

True Cognates English/French list

English French French (type)
abandon abandon m
abdomen abdomen m
abolition abolition f
abominable abominable adj
absence absence f
absent absent adj
absolutely absolument adv
absorption absorption f
abstinence abstinence f
abstraction abstraction f
acceleration accélération f
accent accent m
accessible accessible adj
accident accident m
action action f
active active adj
actuary actuaire adj
adaptation adaptation f
addiction addiction f
addition addition f
adjacent adjacent adj
administration administration f
admirable admirable adj
admiration admiration f
admission admission f
adolescent adolescent adj
adoption adoption f
adorable adorable adj
affluent affluent adj
agent agent m
agile agile adj
agriculture agriculture f
air air m
alliance alliance f
alphabetical alphabetique adj
ambiance ambiance f
ambition ambition f
ambulance ambulance f
amendment amendement m
amusement amusement m
anaconda anaconda m
analytical analytique adj
animal animal m
anniversary anniversaire m
apartment appartement m
appearance appearance f
applicable applicable adj
arbitrary arbitraire adj
ardent ardent adj
arrogance arrogance f
arrogant arrogant adj
artist artiste m
assistance assistance f
association association f
assurance assurance f
attention attention f
automobile (US) automobile f
ballet ballet m
banjo banjo m
blank blanque adj
blond(e) blond(e) adj
blouse blouse f
brilliance brilliance f
brilliant brilliant(e) adj
brutal brutal adj
cable cable m
cafe café m
camera caméra f
canyon canyon m
capable capable adj
catastrophe catastrophe f
catholic catholique m
cause cause f
celebration célébration f
central central adj
champion champion m
chauffeur chauffeur m
circumstance circumstance f
client client m
coast côte f
communication communication f
compliment compliment m
concert concert m
condition condition f
confetti confetti m
confusion confusion f
conscience conscience f
constellation constellation f
construction construction f
continent continent m
contract contracter v
contrary contraire m
contribution contribution f
convergence convergence f
conversation conversation f
correct correct adj
correctly correctement adv
cousin cousin m
coyote coyote m
critical critique m
crocodile crocodile m
cubical cubique adj
cyclist cycliste m
danger danger m
decent décent adj
decoration décoration f
deficient déficient adj
deliverance deliverance f
dentist dentiste m
diction diction f
dictionary dictionnaire m
dictionary dictionnaire m
different différent(e) adj
digital digital adj
diligent diligent adj
direct direct adj
direction direction f
directly directement adv
distance distance f
distinct distinct adj
document document m
dollar dollar m
dominance dominance f
donation donation f
dossier dossier m
double double m
dragon dragon m
dramatic dramatique adj
duel duel m
durable durable adj
dynamite dynamite f
edition édition f
effective effective adj
election election f
electrical electrique adj
elegance elegance f
element élément m
elephant éléphant m
elite élite f
emotion émotion f
empire empire m
encouragement encouragement m
endurance endurance f
energy énergie f
equation equation f
erosion érosion f
especially spécialement adv
ethical éthique adj
evident évident(e) adj
evidently évidemment adv
exact exact(e) adj
exactly exactement adv
excellent excellent(e) adj
exclamation exclamation f
exemption exemption f
exhibition exhibition f
experience expérience f
expiration expiration f
explosion explosion f
extra extra m
extraordinary extraordinaire adj
extravagant- extravagant(e) adj & nom
favorable favorable adj
festive festive adj
fiance fiancé nom
fiction fiction f
final final adj
finally finalement adv
finance finance f
flexible flexible adj
forest forêt f
fragile fragile adj
fragrance fragrance f
fruit fruit m
function function f
gallery gallerie f
gallon gallon m
generation génération f
ghetto ghetto m
golf golf m
gram gramme m
guide guide nom
habitable habitable adj
historical historique adj
horrible horrible adj
hospital hôpital m
hotel hôtel m
identical identique adj
identifiable identifiable adj
identification identification f
ignorant ignorant(e) adj
imaginary imaginaire adj
immediately immédiatement adv
immigrant immigrant adj & nom
immigration immigration f
impact impact m
impatience impatience f
importance importance f
important important(e) adj
impossible impossible adj
impression impression f
improbable improbable adj
inaccessible inaccessible adj
incident incident m
incredible incrédible adj
increment incrément m
incurable incurable adj
independence indépendance f
indicative indicative adj
indulgence indulgence f
infection infection f
influence influence f
information information f
infrastructure infrastructure f
injection injection f
innocence innocence f
innocent innocent adj
insect insecte m
inseparable inséparable adj
inspection inspection f
instinct instinct m
instruction instruction f
intelligence intelligence f
intelligent intelligent adj
intention intention f
interlude interlude m
international international adj
interview interview nom f ou m
intimidation intimidation f
intolerance intolerance f
introduction introduction f
invasion invasion f
invitation invitation f
jeans jeans m
journal journal m
jungle jungle f
justifiable justifiable adj
juvenile juvénile adj
kilogram kilogramme m
kilometre (UK)

kilometer (US)

kilomètre m
latent latent adj
leader leader m
legion légion f
leopard léopard m
lion lion m
literature littérature f
logical logique adj
long long adj
lyrical lyrique adj
machine machine f
maintenance maintenance f
manifestation manifestation f
marina marina f
massage massage m
maximum maximum m
mental mental adj
mention mention f
menu menu m
metal métal m
metre (UK)

meter (US)

mètre m
microscope microscope m
migration migration f
military militaire adj
million million m
miniature miniature f
minute minute f
mobile mobile adj
model modèle m
moment moment m
monument monument m
moral moral m
motion motion f
music musique f
nation nation f
national national adj
naturally naturellement adv
necessary nécessaire adj
nectar nectar m
nonchalant nonchalant adj & nom
normal normal adj
normally normalement adv
notable notable adj
notable notable adj
notice notice f
notion notion f
nuance nuance f
nuisance nuisance f
obedience obédience f
object objet m
obligation obligation f
obsession obsession f
occasion occasion f
ocean océan m
office office m
omission omission f
operation opération f
opinion opinion f
option option f
ordinary ordinaire adj
original original adj
parent parent m
part part f
passion passion f
patience patience f
perceptible perceptible adj
perfect parfait adj
permanent permanent(e) adj
perseverance perseverance f
persuasion persuasion f
pertinent pertinent adj
physique physique m, mais « la physique »

= « physics »

piano piano m
pirate pirate m
plan plan m
police police f
population population f
possible possible adj
potion potion f
practical pratique f
presentation présentation f
president président m
profit profit m
pronunciation- prononciation f
prudent prudent(e) adj & nom
question question f
racial racial adj
ratio ratio m
ration ration f
recent récent adj
recyclable recyclable adj
reflection reflection f
region région f
religion religion f
renaissance renaissance f
reptile reptile m
resemblance ressemblance f
reservation réservation f
resonance resonance f
respect respect m
respectable respectable adj
restaurant restaurant m
reunion réunion f
robot robot m
romantic romantique adj
rotation rotation f
route route f
salary salaire m
satellite satellite m
science science f
secret secret adj
segment segment m
serpent serpent m
session session f
silence silence m
silhouette silhouette f
simple simple adj
situation situation f
ski ski m
sociable sociable adj
social social adj
sofa sofa m
solo solo m
soup soupe f
solution solution f
station station f
statistical statistique f
substance substance f
support support m
surprise surprise f
suspect suspect adj
symmetrical symetrique adj
table table f
talent talent m
taxi taxi m
telephone téléphone m
telescope télescope m
television télévision f
terrible terrible adj
theatre théâtre m
tolerance tolerance f
totally totalement adv
train train m
trampoline trampoline m
transaction transaction f
transparent transparent adj
transport transport m
trillion trillion m
triple triple adj
triumphant triumphant(e) adj
tube tube m
typical typique adj
urgent urgent adj
vacant vacant adj
valve valve f
version version f
vertical vertical adj
vibrance vibrance adj
vibrant vibrant adj
violence violence f
visible visible adj
vocabulary vocabulaire m
vocal vocal adj
vulnerable vulnérable adj
yacht yacht m
zoo zoo m
zoom zoom m


[Visual French lesson] 50 True cognates

Learn French - Les vrais amis / True cognates