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Pronominal Verbs Agreement

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You can identify a pronominal verb by its infinitive.

It always has the pronoun "se" right before the infinitive, like in "se préparer" [to get oneself ready].

Pronominal verbs only existing in the pronominal form

If the pronominal verbs only exists in the pronominal form, it always agree in gender and number with the subject.


  • Elle s'est souvenue de vous. [She remembered you]

Note: Only "Se souvenir" (to remember) exists. "souvenir" does not exist as a verb.

Pronominal verbs also existing in the non-pronominal form

Occasionally pronominal verbs also existing in the non-pronominal form, follow the same agreement rules as the past participle like with the auxiliary "avoir".

Those verbs agree with the complement (direct object complement, Complément d'Objet Direct-COD in French) if the complement is before the verb. If the COD is not before the verb, the verb is invariable.


  • Ils se sont échangés des lettres. [They exchanged letters]

(COD after the verb: no agreement)

  • Les lettres qu'ils se sont échangées. [The letters they exchanged]

(COD before the verb: agreement)

Note: both "Echanger" and "S'échanger" (to exchange) exist as two separate verbs.


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