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Conditional Tense or Futur tense

Si you hesitate betwen " je serais" (CT) and " je serai (FT) here's a way to stop making the mistake

If an action that will be done with certainty, we use must the future

For exemple " Demain, je serai à l'école" = "To morrow, i'ill be at school "

Et si vous avez des difficultés pour vous y retrouver,...And if you have difficuties, there is a trick = Just change the pronoun.

For exemple : je serai à Paris , Tu seras à Paris = futur de l'indicatif.

I ill be in Paris You ill be in Paris " " indicative

Je serais à ¨Paris. Tu serais à Pais = Présent du conditionnel

I'd be in Paris You'd be in Paris = Conditional tense


When to use?

The conditional expresses, the hypothetical and the possible: it describes events that are not guaranteed to occur.


  • Il vous appellerait s'il savait que vous l'aimez = He would call you if he knew that you loved him
  • Si vous nettoyiez votre chambre, votre colocataire serait plus gentil avec vous = If you cleaned your room, your roommate would be nicer to you.
  • Il mangerait s'il avait faim = He would eat if he were hungry
  • Si nous étudiions, nous serions plus intelligents = If we studied, (then) we would be smarter.



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