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In Chinese, in order to specify a certain number of something, you combine a number with a measure word, followed by the noun.

You need to know the right measure word when asking a "how much/many?" question using "jǐ 几." For example,

Below is a comprehensive list of Chinese measure words and how to use them.

Character Pinyin Usage Example
chuàn string of the same things 一串葡萄 a bunch of grapes
book 一册书 a book
qiū divided paddy field 一丘田 a paddy field
shèng chariot 千乘之国 country with a thousand chariots
xià time of the same action 点击鼠标两下 click the mouse two times
zhàng unit of length, 10/3 metre for now 万丈深渊 ten thousand zhang depth abyss
magnitude, 1/10000 丝米 1/10000 metre
liǎng unit of weight, 50 grams for now 半斤八两 half jin and eight liang (idiom, at the same level, derogatory)
coffin, corpse, bracket clock 一具棺材 a coffin
bāo pack 一包烟 a pack of cigarette
magnitude, 1/100;

unit of length, weight, acreage or

interest rate

厘米 1/100 metre
dāo time of cutting, 100 pieces of paper 切三刀 to cut 3 times, 一刀纸 100 pieces of paper
fēn divided part 二分之一 1/2
liè row of the same things 一列火车 a train
article 一则公告 an annoncement
decoction of medicinal ingredients 一剂药 a dose of medicine
set of thing, attitude 一副盔甲 a suit of armor, 一副笑脸 a smiling face
turn 绕树三匝 around the tree three turns
duì team 一队士兵 a team of soldiers
movie, novel, vehicle, phone, ... 一部电影 a movie
chū drama 一出戏 a show
universal measure word 一个人 a person, 一个场景 a scene
jiè person with occupation 一介书生 a scholar
lǐng 500 piecses of paper 一令纸 500 pieces of paper
fèn the integrated 一份牛排 a steak, 一份报纸 a newspaper
huǒ group of people 一伙强盗 a group of robbers
jiàn affair, garment 一件事 an affair
rèn term of office 一任总统 a president
bèi time of amount 两倍收入 twice income
unit of area, 1/15 hectare for now 一亩地 1 mu of land
hit on body 一记耳光 a slap in the face
shuāng pair 一双翅膀 a pair of wings
cartridge 一发子弹 a bullet
dié stack 一叠盘子 a stack of plates
jié section 一节比赛 a section of game, 一节竹子 a section of bamboo
jīng thin stick 一茎草 a stick of grass
tíng stalk 一莛草 a stick of grass
zhòu ware bundled with grass 一荮盘子 a bundle of plates
péng the dishevelled 一蓬凤尾竹 a Bambusa Multiplex
dōu plant 一蔸草 a stick of grass
xún urging guests to drink 酒过三巡 after three times of persuading to drink
biàn time of action 看一遍 look at it one time
dào strip, door, meal, question, sight of intrest, ... 一道门 a door
zāo time of encounter 走一遭 go a time
duì pair 一对情侣 a pair of lovers
zūn idol, cannon, cup of wine 一尊大炮 a cannon
tóu animal 一头大象 an elephant
tào set 一套餐具 a set of tableware
gōng outdated unit of length, 1/5 chǐ
yǐn outdated unit of length, 10 zhàng
zhāng piece of paper, table, mouth, bow 一张明信片 a postcard
wān curved moon 一弯明月 a curved bright moon
chuáng bedding 一床被子 a quilt
zuò big and not movable thing 一座山 a mountain
tuǒ outddated, length of stretched arms
tiě mixed decotion 一帖中药
zhēn piece of picture 一帧油画 an oil painting
table of meal 一席酒 a table of wine


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