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Catalan Vocabulary - Idiomatic expressions

Hi Catalan learners! 😊
In this lesson, we will delve into idiomatic expressions in Catalan. These expressions, often used in everyday speech, add color to the language and can enhance your communication with native speakers.

After mastering this lesson, consider exploring these related pages: How to Say Hello and Greetings & Language/Catalan/Vocabulary/Idioms,-colloquial-expressions-and-slang.

Idiomatic Expressions in Catalan[edit | edit source]

Idiomatic expressions are phrases whose meanings cannot be inferred from the literal meanings of the words. They are frequently used in everyday Catalan and are key to sounding like a native speaker.

Here are some common Catalan idiomatic expressions:

Catalan Pronunciation English
fer el pèsol fəɾ ɛɫ pəzoɫ to waste time
estar al galliner əsˈtaɾ əɫ ɡəʎiˈne to be in trouble
fer tuf fəɾ tuf to stink
fer figa fəɾ ˈfiɣə to make a rude gesture
Quan porto la masquereta, les meves ulleres s'entelen kwan ˈpoɾtɔ ɫə məsˈkeɾətə, ɫəz ˈmɛβəz uˈʎɛɾəz sənˈtɛɫən mist up, steam up
El cel començava a entelar-se əɫ ˈsɛɫ kumənˈsabə ə ənˈtɛɫəɾsə cloud over
Encara em cou! əŋˈkaɾə əm ˈkow I'm still seething! / I'm still smarting from it!
Improvisar/inventar sobre la marxa impɾuβiˈzaɾ/inβənˈtaɾ ˈsɔβɾə ɫə ˈmaɾʃə off the cuff / on the spot
Aquell/a vell/a xaruc/a əˈkɛʎ/ə βɛˈʎ/ə ʃəˈɾuk/ə that doddering old fool
Vaig sentir una fiblada de dolor ˈβajʒ sənˈtiɾ ˈunə fiˈβɫaðə ðə ðuˈɫoɾ I felt a twinge (of pain)
Matusser məˈtusəɾ cack-handed (person); botched (job)
Recorrien prop de 7 quilòmetres rəkuˈrjən ˈpɾɔp ðə ˈsɛt kiɫɔˈmɛtɾəs getting on for 7 km
Reien pels descosits ˈrɛjən ˈpɛɫz ðəsˈkɔzits They were laughing fit to burst
Parla pels descosits ˈpaɾɫə ˈpɛɫz ðəsˈkɔzits S/he never stops talking; talks nineteen to the dozen
No pots ficar-hi cullerada ˈno ˈpɔts fiˈkaɾ ˈi kuʎəˈɾaðə you can't get a word in edgeways
Per acabar-ho d'adobar ˈpɛɾ əkəˈβaɾ ˈo ðəðuˈβaɾ to crown it all, to make matters worse
Fer una muntanya d'un gra de sorra ˈfɛɾ ˈunə munˈtaɲə ðun ˈɣɾa ðə ˈsɔrə make a mountain out of a molehill
Molta fressa i poca endreça ˈmoɫtə ˈfɾɛsə i ˈpɔkə ənˈðɾɛsə all mouth and no trousers
Anar a palpentes əˈnaɾ ə pəɫˈpɛntəs grope one's way
S'ho mirés com s'ho mirés... ˈso miˈɾɛz ˈkom ˈso miˈɾɛz... Whichever way you look at it...
Sigui com sigui, estàs equivocat! ˈsiɣi ˈkom ˈsiɣi, əsˈtas əkiβɔˈkað! Anyway, you're wrong!
No se'n sortirà com si res! ˈno sən sɔɾˈtiɾə ˈkom si ˈrɛs Don't think you're going to get away with it!
Això és bufar i fer ampolles əˈʃo ɛz ˈβufaɾ i ˈfɛɾ əmˈpoʎəs it's as easy as pie / ABC / falling off a log
... menjar que s'havia fet malbé ... ˈmɛnʒaɾ ˈkə səˈβiə fɛd məɫˈβe food that had gone off
La vaig espifiar ɫə ˈβajʒ əsˈpifjəɾ I messed it up / I made a mess of it
Encara ara estic fent marrada əŋˈkaɾə ˈaɾə əsˈtik fɛnˈmaɾəðə I'm still taking the long way round
No diguis rucades ˈno ðiˈɣis ruˈkaðəs Don't be a smartass; That's a lot of crap

Using Idiomatic Expressions in Conversation[edit | edit source]

One effective way to learn idiomatic expressions is through their usage in conversations. Here's an updated example:

  • Person 1: Hola, com estàs? (Hi, how are you?)
  • Person 2: Bé, gràcies. I tu? (Good, thank you. And you?)
  • Person 1: Estic fart de tant estudiar. (I'm tired of studying so much.)
  • Person 2: No facis el pèsol, és important que aprenguis. (Don't waste time, it's important that you learn.)
  • Person 1: Tens raó. Però quan porto la masquereta, les meves ulleres s'entelen. (You're right. But when I wear the mask, my glasses fog up.)
  • Person 2: Ah, fer tuf amb aquesta calor és normal. (Ah, it's normal to stink in this heat.)
  • Person 1: Certament. I, per acabar-ho d'adobar, avui m'han acomiadat del treball. (Certainly. And, to make matters worse, today I got fired from work.)
  • Person 2: Oh, no! Estàs al galliner ara. (Oh, no! You are in trouble now.)
  • Person 1: Sí, però no se'n sortirà com si res. (Yes, but it won't just go away like that.)
  • Person 2: Espero que tinguis raó. A més, et recordo que avui fa molt de calor. (I hope you're right. Also, I remind you that it is very hot today.)
  • Person 1: Gràcies per recordar-me. Ara, aniré a palpentes amb aquesta nova situació. (Thanks for reminding me. Now, I'll grope my way through this new situation.)
  • Person 2: Sigui com sigui, estàs equivocat si penses que tot serà fàcil. (Anyway, you're wrong if you think everything will be easy.)
  • Person 1: Ja ho sé, però no puc fer més que intentar-ho. (I know, but I can do nothing more than try.)

Quiz: Match Idiomatic Expressions[edit | edit source]

Test your understanding of Catalan idiomatic expressions. Good luck!

Instructions[edit | edit source]

Match the Catalan idiomatic expressions with their English equivalents.

  1. fer el pèsol
  2. estar al galliner
  3. fer tuf
  4. fer figa
  5. Quan porto la masquereta, les meves ulleres s'entelen
  6. El cel començava a entelar-se
  7. Encara em cou!
  8. Improvisar/inventar sobre la marxa

Quiz: Use in Sentences[edit | edit source]

Instructions[edit | edit source]

Choose the appropriate Catalan idiomatic expression to complete each sentence.

  1. "No vull ______ quan parlo en públic." (I don't want to improvise when I speak in public.)
  2. "Després de córrer, ______ molt." (After running, I stink a lot.)
  3. "Quan va perdre el treball, es va sentir com si ______." (When he lost his job, he felt like he was in trouble.)

Solutions[edit | edit source]

Match Idiomatic Expressions[edit | edit source]

  1. fer el pèsol - to waste time
  2. estar al galliner - to be in trouble
  3. fer tuf - to stink
  4. fer figa - to make a rude gesture
  5. Quan porto la masquereta, les meves ulleres s'entelen - mist up, steam up
  6. El cel començava a entelar-se - cloud over
  7. Encara em cou! - I'm still seething! / I'm still smarting from it!
  8. Improvisar/inventar sobre la marxa - off the cuff / on the spot

Use in Sentences[edit | edit source]

  1. "No vull improvisar/inventar sobre la marxa quan parlo en públic."
  2. "Després de córrer, fer tuf molt."
  3. "Quan va perdre el treball, es va sentir com si estar al galliner."

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

Idiomatic expressions are an integral part of everyday speech in Catalan. Familiarizing yourself with these expressions will not only help you communicate more effectively with native speakers but also deepen your understanding of the Catalan culture. Don't forget to use resources like the Polyglot Club to connect with native speakers and clarify any doubts. Also, explore the Vocabulary section to further enhance your Catalan vocabulary. Molta sort! (Good luck!)

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Vincent, Maintenance script and Esquerp

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