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Standard ArabicVocabulary0 to A1 CourseOrdinal numbers

Heading Level 1

Heading Level 2

In this lesson, you will learn how to form and use ordinal numbers in Standard Arabic. Ordinal numbers are used to indicate the position or order of things. For example, first, second, third, etc. Ordinal numbers are commonly used in Arabic when referring to dates, fractions, and ranking.

Heading Level 3

When forming ordinal numbers in Standard Arabic, you need to add a suffix to the cardinal number. The suffix for masculine ordinal numbers is -أَوَّل/-أَوَّلَى for the first, -ثَانِي/-ثَانِيَة for the second, -ثَالِث/-ثَالِثَة for the third, and so on. For feminine ordinal numbers, the suffix is -أُولَى/-أُولَىَاء for the first, -ثَانِيَة/-ثَانِيَات for the second, -ثَالِثَة/-ثَالِثَات for the third, and so on.

Heading Level 3

Here are some examples of how to form ordinal numbers in Standard Arabic:

Standard Arabic Pronunciation North Azerbaijani
الأول al-awwal birinci
الثاني ath-thānī ikinci
الثالث ath-thālith üçüncü
الرابع ar-rābiʿ dördüncü
الخامس al-khāmis beşinci
السادس as-sādis altıncı
السابع as-sābiʿ yedinci
الثامن ath-thāmin sekizinci
التاسع at-tāsiʿ dokuzuncu
العاشر al-ʿāshir onuncu

Heading Level 3

Here are some examples of how to use ordinal numbers in Standard Arabic:

  • أنا أسكن في الطابق الرابع. (I live on the fourth floor.)
  • المؤتمر الثالث عشر للأمم المتحدة. (The thirteenth United Nations conference.)
  • السباق الأول في السباقات الخمسة. (The first race in the five races.)

Heading Level 2

In conclusion, ordinal numbers are important in Standard Arabic for indicating position or order. To form ordinal numbers, you need to add a suffix to the cardinal number. Remember to use the correct suffix depending on the gender of the noun you are describing. Practice using ordinal numbers in your daily life to reinforce your understanding of this concept.

Heading Level 1

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