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TatarVocabulary0 to A1 Course → Numbers and Time → Telling Time

Telling Time in Tatar

Telling time is an essential part of daily life. Whether you need to catch a train, schedule a meeting or simply plan your day ahead, knowing how to tell time is crucial. In this lesson, we will guide you through the Tatar expressions for the hours, minutes, and parts of the day, and practice telling time in various situations.

Tatar Numbers Review

Before we start learning how to tell time in Tatar, let's review the numbers we'll need. Here's a table with the Tatar numbers from 1 to 20:

Tatar Pronunciation English
бер ber One
ике ike Two
үч üch Three
дөрт dört Four
биш bish Five
алты altı Six
етең eten Seven
сегез segez Eight
токсан toksan Nine
он on Ten
он бер on ber Eleven
он ике on ike Twelve
он үч on üch Thirteen
он дөрт on dört Fourteen
он биш on bish Fifteen
он алты on altı Sixteen
он етең on eten Seventeen
он сегез on segez Eighteen
он токсан on toksan Nineteen
юга yuğa Twenty

Telling the Time in Tatar

In Tatar, words for the hours are related to the numbers from 1 to 12. Similarly, we also use the numbers from 1 to 60 to talk about minutes. Let's take a look at the following examples:

  • Сағат бір. (Sağat bir.) - It is one o'clock.
  • Сағат ікі. (Sağat iki.) - It is two o'clock.
  • Сағат үч. (Sağat üch.) - It is three o'clock.
  • Сағат дөрт. (Sağat dört.) - It is four o'clock.
  • Сағат беш. (Sağat besh.) - It is five o'clock.
  • Сағат алты. (Sağat altı.) - It is six o'clock.
  • Сағат етең. (Sağat eten.) - It is seven o'clock.
  • Сағат сегез. (Sağat segez.) - It is eight o'clock.
  • Сағат токсан. (Sağat toksan.) - It is nine o'clock.
  • Сағат он. (Sağat on.) - It is ten o'clock.
  • Сағат он бир. (Sağat on bir.) - It is eleven o'clock.
  • Сағат он ікі. (Sağat on iki.) - It is twelve o'clock.

To talk about minutes, we use the numbers from 1 to 60 following the word минут (minut) meaning minute. Additionally, we can also use the word секунд (sekund) meaning second to specify exact timing. Let's take a look at the following examples:

  • сағат беш минут. (sağat besh minut.) - It is five minutes past the hour.
  • сағат жеті минут. (sağat jeti minut.) - It is seven minutes past the hour.
  • сағат он бір минут. (sağat on bir minut.) - It is twelve minutes past the hour.
  • сағат жүз минут. (sağat jüz minut.) - It is one hundred minutes past the hour.
  • сағат он бір минуттан алда. (sağat on bir minuttan alda.) - It is eleven minutes to one.
  • сағат беш минуттан кейін. (sağat besh minuttan keyin.) - It is five minutes past.

Finally, to talk about parts of the day, we use the following expressions:

  • түн (tün) - night
  • кеш (keş) - morning (before noon)
  • түс (tüs) - afternoon (after noon, before evening)
  • кештен кейін (keşten keyin) - evening

Now, let's practice telling time in Tatar!

Telling Time Practice Exercises

1. Your friend asks you what time it is, and you see that it is 3:15 pm. How would you respond?

Answer: - Сағат үч түс минуттан он беші. (Sağat üch tüs minutten on beshi.)

2. You have a meeting scheduled for 2 o'clock tomorrow. How would you say, "I have a meeting at 2 pm tomorrow"?

Answer: - Менің есеп үкімде сағат екіде болады. (Meniñ esep ûkımde sağat ekide bolady.)

3. You are planning to meet your friend at 7 o'clock in the evening. How would you say, "Let's meet at 7 pm"?

Answer: - Біз тәуліктен қаншаоқ болсақ көрісеміз келе ме? Сағат етеңде кездесесің. (Biz taulikten qanshaoq bolsaq körısemiz kele me? Sağat eten de kezdesesiñ.)

4. You are scheduling a flight, and you need to indicate the exact time of departure at 3:30 am. How would you say, "The departure is at exactly 3:30 am"?

Answer: - Әскери отырысыңыз үшін біз құрметті қарсылықтардан шұғыл қалуы керек. Ол үшін көрсетілген жолда бару керек. Бастауыш уақыт 3:30-да. (Äskeri otyrysıñız üşin biz qurmettі qarsılıqtardan shuǵyl qaluy kerik. Ol üşin körselilgen jolda baru kerik. Bastauiş waqty 3:30-da.)


In this lesson, we have learned how to tell time in Tatar, including expressions for the hours, minutes, and parts of the day. We have also practiced telling time in various situations. By mastering these skills, you will be able to communicate with Tatar speakers effectively and ensure that you are always on time. Keep practicing to reinforce your learning, and don't hesitate to explore more resources to expand your knowledge of the Tatar language!

Upon wrapping up this lesson, take a look at these related pages: Clothing and Accessories & How to Say Hello and Greetings.

Table of Contents - Tatar Course - 0 to A1

Greetings and Introductions

Sentence Structure

Numbers and Time

Nouns and Pronouns

Family and Relationships

Verbs and Tenses

Food and Dining

Adjectives and Adverbs

Travel and Transportation

Prepositions and Conjunctions

Hobbies and Leisure

Tatar Customs and Traditions

Shopping and Services

Negation and Commands

Tatar History and Society

Other Lessons



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