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Standard EstonianVocabulary0 to A1 Course → Daily Activities → Daily Routine


In this lesson, you will learn vocabulary related to daily activities and routines in Standard Estonian. You will practice using these words and phrases in context to talk about your daily routine. By the end of this lesson, you will be able to have simple conversations with Estonian speakers about daily activities and routines.

Finish this lesson and explore these related pages: Time & Basic Phrases.

Daily Activities Vocabulary

Let's start by learning some vocabulary related to daily activities:

Standard Estonian Pronunciation English Translation
Hommik [ˈho̞mmik] Morning
Äratuskell [ˈärɑtusk’ɛlː] Alarm clock
Ärgata [ˈärɡɑtɑ] To wake up
Pesema [ˈpesemɑ] To wash (oneself)
Hammaste pesu [ˈhɑmɑst̪e ˈpesu] To brush teeth
Pesumasin [ˈpesumɑsin] Washing machine
Sööma [ˈsø̞ø̞mɑ] To eat
Hommikusöök [ˈho̞mmikusøø̯k] Breakfast
Kohv [kov] Coffee
Tööle minema [ˈtøø̯le ˈmine̞mɑ] To go to work
Töö [ˈtøø̯] Work
Koju minema [ˈko̞ju ˈmine̞mɑ] To go home
Õppima [ˈo̞ppimɑ] To study
Vaba aeg [ˈvɑbɑ ˈɑe̯ɡ] Free time

Using Daily Routine Vocabulary

Now that you know the vocabulary related to daily routines, let's practice using it in context.

Here is an example dialogue:

Peter: Hei, Millal sa tavaliselt ärkad?

(Hi, when do you usually wake up?)

Maria: Tavaliselt ärkan ma kell seitse hommikul.

(I usually wake up at 7 in the morning.)

Peter: Kas sa sööd hommikusööki enne tööleminekut?

(Do you eat breakfast before going to work?)

Maria: Jah, ma söön hommikusööki igal hommikul enne tööle minemist.

(Yes, I eat breakfast every morning before going to work.)

Peter: Mida sa hommikusöögiks sööd?

(What do you eat for breakfast?)

Maria: Tavaliselt söön ma putru ja jood kohvi. Aga mõnikord söön ka mune ja süüa värskeid puuvilju.

(I usually eat porridge and drink coffee. But sometimes I also eat eggs and have fresh fruits.)

Peter: Töötad sa täiskohaga?

(Do you work full-time?)

Maria: Jah, töötan. Ma lähen tööle kell üheksa hommikul ja tulen koju kell viis õhtul.

(Yes, I work. I go to work at 9 in the morning and come home at 5 in the evening.)

Peter: Millal sa õpid?

(When do you study?)

Maria: Tavaliselt õpin ma õhtuti pärast tööd. Aga nädalavahetustel õpin ka päeval.

(I usually study in the evenings after work. But I also study during the day on weekends.)

Peter: Mis on sinu hobid?

(What are your hobbies?)

Maria: Minu hobid on lugemine ja jooga. Aga ma armastan ka matkamist ja looduses käimist.

(My hobbies are reading and yoga. But I also love hiking and being in nature.)

Peter: Aitäh! See oli väga huvitav jutt.

(Thank you! That was very interesting conversation.)

Maria: Aitäh, sinuga oli ka tore rääkida.

(Thank you, it was nice talking to you as well.)


Practice using the vocabulary related to daily activities and routines by describing your daily routine or asking your Estonian language partner about theirs. Here are some prompts to get you started:

  • Mis ajal sa tavaliselt ärkad?
  • Kas sa sööd hommikusööki? Mida sa sööd?
  • Millal sa tööle lähed?
  • Mida sa tööl teed?
  • Kas sa õpid või käid tööl?
  • Mis on sinu hobid? Kas sa harrastad sporti?


In this lesson, you learned vocabulary related to daily activities and routines and practiced using it in context. You also had a conversation with an Estonian language partner about their daily routine. Keep practicing and soon you'll be able to have more complex conversations!

Congratulations on finishing this lesson! Explore these related pages to keep learning: Languages & Family and friends.

Table of Contents - Standard Estonian Course - 0 to A1

Introduction to Estonian

Greetings and Introductions

Nouns and Pronouns

Numbers and Time

Verbs and Tenses

Daily Activities

Adjectives and Adverbs

Food and Dining

Estonian Traditions

Travel and Transportation

Prepositions and Conjunctions

At Home and Work

Estonian History

Negation and Questions

Other Lessons


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