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RomanianVocabulary → Advanced Social and Political Issues

As a Romanian language teacher with over 20 years of experience, I know that learning about the culture and society of a country can greatly enrich one's language skills. In this lesson, we will explore advanced Romanian vocabulary related to social and political issues that will allow you to express your thoughts and opinions on relevant topics in Romanian society.

Don't miss the chance to check out these pages as you wrap up this lesson: Animal & Describing Activities.


Romania has a rich history of activism, which refers to the use of direct action or campaigning to bring about social or political change. Here are some key terms and phrases related to activism:

Romanian Pronunciation English
activişti /ak.tiˈviʃti/ activists
manifestaţii /man.i.fes.taˈtsi.i/ protests, demonstrations
imunitate diplomatică /ˈte di.plomaˈti.kə/ diplomatic immunity
campanie /kamˈpa.nje/ campaign
  • Activişti sunt oameni care se implică și luptă pentru schimbarea unei situaţii sociale sau politice care le displace. (Activists are people who get involved and fight for a change in a social or political situation that displeases them.)
  • Manifestaţiile sunt importante pentru promovarea drepturilor civile. (Protests are important for promoting civil rights.)
  • În cazul unor conflicte diplomatice, imunitatea diplomatică poate fi un subiect sensibil de dezbatere. (In case of diplomatic conflicts, diplomatic immunity can be a sensitive topic of debate.)
  • Campaniile pot fi o metodă eficientă de a atrage atenţia asupra unor probleme majore. (Campaigns can be an efficient way to draw attention to major issues.)

Human Rights

Romania has made significant progress in promoting and protecting human rights in recent years. Here are some essential terms and phrases related to human rights:

Romanian Pronunciation English
drepturile omului /drep.tuˈri.le human rights
discriminare /dis.krimiˈ discrimination
libertate de exprimare /li.ber.ta.te de ek.spreˈ freedom of expression
toleranţă /to.leˈran.tsə/ tolerance
  • Drepturile omului sunt esenţiale în orice societate democratică şi libertatea fiecărui individ trebuie să fie protejată. (Human rights are essential in any democratic society and the freedom of each individual must be protected.)
  • Discriminarea este inacceptabilă și trebuie combătută în toate formele ei. (Discrimination is unacceptable and must be fought in all its forms.)
  • Libertatea de exprimare este un drept fundamental al fiecărui individ, care permite exprimarea liberă a opiniilor și a ideilor. (Freedom of expression is a fundamental right of every individual, which allows for the free expression of opinions and ideas.)
  • Toleranţa reprezintă respectul și aprecierea diferenţelor culturale şi etnice, fără a face distincţie între oameni. (Tolerance represents respect and appreciation for cultural and ethnic differences, without making a distinction between people.)

Geopolitical Events

Romania's geopolitical position at the crossroads of Eastern and Western Europe has made it a key player in global politics. Here are some vital terms and phrases related to geopolitical events:

Romanian Pronunciation English
uniunea europeană /u.njuˈne̯aˈa/ European Union
neutralitate /ne.u.traliˈta.te/ neutrality
conflicte regionale /konˈflik.te re.dʒioˈna.le/ regional conflicts
  • Uniunea Europeană reprezintă o comunitate politică și economică între statele europene. (The European Union represents a political and economic community between European states.)
  • NATO îşi propune promovarea stabilităţii politice și a securităţii în Europa şi în lume. (NATO aims to promote political stability and security in Europe and the world.)
  • Neutralitatea reprezintă poziţia de a nu fi implicat în conflicte sau dispute politice dintre alte state. (Neutrality represents the position of not being involved in political conflicts or disputes between other states.)
  • Conflictele regionale pot avea implicații majore pentru securitatea și stabilitatea zonei respective. (Regional conflicts can have major implications for the security and stability of the respective region.)


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