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Talk about the Weather in Norwegian

Hi everyone,

How do we talk about the weather in Norwegian?

Expressions[edit | edit source]

  • Det finnes ikke dårlig vær, bare dårlige klær

There’s no bad weather, only bad clothes (an often used expression/saying in Norway) 😉

Useful words[edit | edit source]

Nyttige ord Useful words
vær (et) weather
klima (et) clima
sol (en) sun
sky (en) cloud
regndråpe (en) raindrop
snøfnugg (en) snowflake
tornado (en) tornado
orkan (en) hurricane
tsunami (en) tsunami
værmelding (en) weather forecast

Useful phrases[edit | edit source]

Nyttige setninger Useful phrases
det regner

det snør

det blåser

det hagler

det tordner

it's raining

it's snowing

it's windy (literally: it's blowing)

it's hailing

it's thundering

det er overskyet

det er grått

det er tåkete

det er vått

det er fuktig

it's cloudy

it's gray

it's foggy

it's wet

it's humid

solen skinner the sun's shining

Videos[edit | edit source]

Simple Norwegian - Weather & Seasons[edit | edit source]

Learn Norwegian - Weather[edit | edit source]

Learn Norwegian with Pictures - Weather Forecast Says...[edit | edit source]

Talk about the weather, Norwegian Language lesson[edit | edit source]

Author[edit | edit source]

If you have any question write me a message! 😀


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Vincent and Maintenance script

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