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Vehicles in Esperanto
Vehicles in Esperanto

Hello everybody,

In today's lesson you will learn some useful vocabulary about ¨VEHICLES¨ in Esperanto.

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Happy learning! :)

After you've grasped the concepts in this lesson, you might appreciate these additional topics: Esperanto Vocabulary, Basic Phrases in Esperanto, Fruits & Geography.

Some words for Vehicles in Esperanto[edit | edit source]








bicycle bih tsih kloh biciklo bi tsi klo bicicleta
boat boh ah toh boato bo a to barco
bus bou soh buso bu so ônibus
cable car tehl feh roh telfero tel fe ro bonde, bondinho
car ow toh aŭto au to carro
carriage kah leh shoh kaleŝo ca le cho transporte
coach vah goh noh vagono va go no treinador
cruise kroh zoh shih poh krozoŝipo cro zo chi po cruzeiro
electric vehicle eh lehk trah veh tou rih loh elektra veturilo e lek tra ve tu ri lo veículo elétrico
helicopter heh lih kohp teh roh helikoptero He li kop te ro helicóptero
jet yeh toh jeto ie to jato
light rail mahl peh zoh reh loh malpeza relo maL pe za re lo veiculo leve sobre trilhos
moped moh peh doh mopedo mo pe do ciclomotor
motorcycle moh tohr tsih kloh motorciklo mo tor tsi klo motocicleta
motorboat moh tohr boh ah toh motorboato mo tor bo a to lancha
plane ah vyah dih loh aviadilo a vi a di lo avião
sedan chair pohr tih loh portilo por ti lo cadeira de sedan
sedan car lih mou zih noh limuzino li mu zi no carro sedan
ship shih poh ŝipo chi po navio
subway meh troh metro me tro metrô
taxi tahk syoh taksio tak sio táxi
train trah ih noh trajno trai no trem
tram trah moh tramo tra mo eléctrico
tricycle trih tsih kloh triciclo tri tsi klo triciclo
trolleybus troh leh bou soh trolebuso tro le bu so trólebus
truck kah mih oh noh kamiono ka mio no caminhão
van kah mih oh neh toh kamioneto ka mio ne to furgão
English Esperanto
bicycle biciklo
boat boato
bus buso
cable car telfero
car aŭto
carriage kaleŝo
coach vagono
cruise krozoŝipo
electric vehicle elektra veturilo
helicopter helikoptero
jet jeto
light rail malpeza relo
moped mopedo
motorcycle motorciklo
motorboat motorboato
plane aviadilo
sedan chair portilo
sedan car limuzino
ship ŝipo
subway metroo
taxi taksio
train trajno
tram tramo
tricycle triciclo
trolleybus trolebuso
truck kamiono
van kamioneto

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