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CatalanGrammar0 to A1 Course → Prepositions and Conjunctions → Coordinating Conjunctions


In Catalan, coordinating conjunctions are important elements in joining words, phrases, and clauses in sentences. They serve a similar purpose as in English, such as coordinating ideas and indicating relationships between them. In this lesson, we will learn about the commonly used coordinating conjunctions in Catalan, how to use them, and the different contexts where they are appropriate.

The Basics of Coordinating Conjunctions

Coordinating conjunctions are words that connect two elements of equal grammatical rank in a sentence. These elements can be single words or phrases, as well as clauses. Coordinating conjunctions serve to join two grammatically identical structures in a sentence, such as two subjects, two verbs, or two adjectives, among others. In Catalan, coordinating conjunctions do not change the word order or the case of the connected elements.

List of Coordinating Conjunctions

Here is a list of the most commonly used coordinating conjunctions in Catalan:

  • "i" (and)
  • "o" (or)
  • "però" (but)
  • "sinó" (but rather)
  • "ara bé" (however)
  • "ja" (already)
  • "tant que" (so)
  • "així que" (so)
  • "enllaçant" (enjoining)

Uses of Coordinating Conjunctions

Connecting Words, Phrases, and Clauses

Coordinating conjunctions are used to join two equal elements within a sentence or phrases in Catalan. For instance, when connecting two words or phrases, the coordinating conjunction is placed in between them. Here are some examples:

Catalan Pronunciation English
La taula i la cadira La tau-la i la ca-di-ra The table and the chair
Ivan i Maria I-van i Ma-ri-a Ivan and Maria

Coordinating conjunctions are also used to connect two clauses or two complete sentences with a comma. The coordinating conjunctions "i," "o," "però," and "sinó" are common in these situations. Here are some examples:

Catalan Pronunciation English
Jo vaig al cinema, però ell no vol Jo vai-al-si-ne-ma, pe-rò ell no bol I go to the cinema, but he doesn't want to
Es queixa tot el dia, sino hi ha feina Es que-cha tot el dia, si-no hi ha fei-na He complains all day, but there's no work

Using Coordinating Conjunctions with Adjectives

Coordinating conjunctions can also be used with adjectives in Catalan, indicating a contrast between two characteristics. When using adjectives with coordinating conjunctions, the word order must remain the same. Here are some examples:

Catalan Pronunciation English
El gos és gran i petit El gos és gran i pe-tit The dog is big and small
El cotxe és veloc i lent El cot-xe és ve-loc i lent The car is fast and slow
Tinc sed i gana Tinc sed i ga-na I'm thirsty and hungry

Common Examples of Coordinating Conjunctions

"I" (And)

The most common coordinating conjunction in Catalan is "i," which is used to connect two elements that are similar or complementary in meaning. "I" is used to indicate both addition and sequence. Here are some examples:

Catalan Pronunciation English
Vull un cafè i una galeta Vull un ca-fè i u-na ga-le-ta I want a coffee and a cookie
El parc és bonic i tranquil El parc és bo-nic i tran-quil The park is beautiful and peaceful

"Or" (Or)

The coordinating conjunction "o" in Catalan is used to indicate a choice or alternative between two options. "Or" can also indicate exclusivity between two elements. Here are some examples:

Catalan Pronunciation English
Vols te o cafè o sucs? Vols te o ca-fè o sucs? Do you want tea or coffee or juice?
El gat és blanc o negre El gat és blanc o ne-gre The cat is either white or black

"Però" (But)

"Però" is a coordinating conjunction in Catalan that is used to express contrast and opposition between two elements. It is commonly used to show that a situation is not what was expected. Here are some examples:

Catalan Pronunciation English
El plat és bo, però no em satisfà El plat és bo, pe-rò no em satis-fa The dish is good, but it doesn't satisfy me
El temps està bo, però fa fred El temps es-tà bo, pe-rò fa fred The weather is nice, but it's cold

"Sinó" (But Rather)

The coordinating conjunction "sinó" in Catalan is used to introduce a contrast, but with an emphasis on what comes after it. "Sinó" is usually translated as "but rather." Here are some examples:

Catalan Pronunciation English
No sóc vegetarian, sinó no menjo carn vermella No sölk ve-ge-ta-ri-an, si-nó no men-jo car-nermella I'm not a vegetarian, but rather, I don't eat red meat
No vaig al futbol, sinó al bàsquet No vai-al-fu-bool, si-nó al bàs-quet I don't go to soccer, but rather to basketball

"Ara Bé" (However)

"Ara bé" is a coordinating conjunction in Catalan that is used to express a concession or contrast between two elements. It is usually translated as "however." Here are some examples:

Catalan Pronunciation English
No m'agrada la música clàssica, ara bé vaig als concerts No m'a-gra-da-la-mù-si-ca-clas-si-ca, a-ra-bé vaig als con-certs I don't like classical music, however, I go to concerts
No sóc anglòfona, ara bé parlo anglès molt bé No sòc anglò-fo-na, a-ra-bé par-lo anglès mol beg I'm not an Anglophone, however, I speak English very well

"Ja" (Already)

"Ja" is a coordinating conjunction in Catalan that expresses a meaning of "already." It can indicate that something expected had already happened or had taken place. It can also be used to indicate a change of state. Here are some examples:

Catalan Pronunciation English
L'estiu ja ha arribat L'estiu ja ha a-rri-bat Summer has already arrived
Ja no tinc gana Ja no tinc ga-na I'm not hungry anymore

"Tant Que" (So)</h

Table of Contents - Catalan Course - 0 to A1

Introduction to Catalan

Greetings and Introductions

Articles and Nouns

Numbers and Time

Adjectives and Pronouns

Family and Relationships

Verbs and Tenses

Food and Dining

Prepositions and Conjunctions

Travel and Transportation

Catalan Culture



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