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Russian Vocabulary - Health

Hi Russian learners! 😊
In this lesson, you will learn Russian health vocabulary. Health is a fundamental aspect of our lives, so it is essential to learn vocabulary related to it.

Don't hesitate to look into these other pages after completing this lesson: Geography & Animals.

Basic Vocabulary[edit | edit source]

Let's start with some basic health vocabulary:

Russian Pronunciation English
здоровье zdorov'ye health
больной bol'noy sick
болезнь bolezn' illness
температура temperatura temperature
болеть bolet' to be sick/to have an illness

Now, let's see some examples:

  • Person 1: Я чувствую себя плохо. (I feel bad.)
  • Person 2: Возможно, у вас высокая температура. (Perhaps, you have a high temperature.)

Symptoms[edit | edit source]

Here, you will learn how to describe symptoms. It is a useful vocabulary when seeing a doctor in a Russian-speaking country.

Russian Pronunciation English
боль bol' pain
головная боль golovnaya bol' headache
кашель kashe'l cough
насморк nasmork runny nose
тошнота toshnota nausea
рвота rvota vomit
слабость slabost' weakness


  • Person 1: У меня болит голова. (I have a headache.)
  • Person 2: Надо перестать много работать и отдохнуть. (You need to stop working too much and rest.)
  • Person 1: У меня тошнит и я рву. (I feel nausea and I am vomiting.)
  • Person 2: Вы можете иметь желудочное расстройство. (You may have a stomach disorder.)

Medicine[edit | edit source]

In this section, you will learn some medicine-related vocabulary.

Russian Pronunciation English
лекарство lekarstvo medicine
таблетка tabletka pill
капсула kapsula capsule
сироп sirop syrup
врач vrach doctor
рецепт retsept prescription


  • Person 1: У меня есть рецепт на лекарство. (I have a prescription for medicine.)
  • Person 2: Покажите мне рецепт, пожалуйста. (Show me the prescription, please.)
  • Person 1: Я не могу проглотить таблетку. (I can't swallow the pill.)
  • Person 2: Возможно, вам нужна капсула. (Perhaps, you need a capsule.)

Going to the Doctor[edit | edit source]

In this section, you will learn some useful phrases related to seeing a doctor.

Russian Pronunciation English
зубной врач zubnoy vrach dentist
терапевт terapevt general practitioner
больница bol'nitsa hospital
приемная priemnaya reception
записаться на прием zapisat'sya na priyem make an appointment


  • Person 1: У меня болят зубы. (My teeth hurt.)
  • Person 2: Необходимо пойти к зубному врачу. (You need to go to the dentist.)
  • Person 1: В какой больнице я могу получить помощь? (In which hospital can I get help?)
  • Person 2: Я записал вас на прием к терапевту через Интернет. (I made an appointment for you with the general practitioner online.)

Traditional Medicine[edit | edit source]

In Russia, traditional medicine is still prevalent, and many people use it as an alternative to Western medicine. Here are some traditional medicine-related vocabulary that you need to know:

Russian Pronunciation English
народная медицина narodnaya meditsina traditional medicine
настой nastoy herbal infusion
золотой корень zolotoy koren' Rhodiola Rosea
трава trava herb


  • Person 1: Меня заболела голова, у меня нет таблеток. (I have a headache, and I have no pills.)
  • Person 2: Народная медицина может помочь - золотой корень известен как хорошее средство от головной боли. (Traditional medicine can help - Rhodiola Rosea is known as a good remedy for headaches.)
  • Person 1: Где я могу купить травы для приготовления настоя? (Where can I buy herbs for making an herbal infusion?)
  • Person 2: В аптеке, или на рынке, возле монастыря можно купить травы. (In the pharmacy, or at the market, near the monastery, you can buy herbs.)

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

These are some of the essential health vocabulary words that you need to know in Russian. Remember, it is essential to keep yourself healthy and to visit the doctor regularly. Do not hesitate to use find native speakers and ask them any questions related to Russian Russian and Polyglot Club language learning. Also, don't forget to visit our [Language/Russian/Vocabulary|vocabulary] page to learn more Russian words!

➡ If you have any questions, please ask them in the comments section below.
➡ Feel free to edit this wiki page if you think it can be improved. 😎

Finished this lesson? Check out these related lessons: Clothes & Hospital.

Videos[edit | edit source]

Healthcare in Russia - words to know in a Russian hospital - YouTube[edit | edit source]

Other Lessons[edit | edit source]

Sources[edit | edit source]


Maintenance script and Vincent

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