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Norwegian Bokmål Grammar - Future Tense

Hi Norwegian Bokmål learners! 😊
In this lesson, we will dive into the future tense in Norwegian Bokmål grammar.

With the completion of this lesson, consider investigating these related pages: Present Tense & Gender and Definite Articles.

Introduction[edit | edit source]

In Norwegian Bokmål grammar, there are two ways to express future events. The first one is by using the present tense, and the second one is by using the auxiliary verb "skal" (shall). It is important to note that while the present tense can be used to talk about future events, it is not always appropriate. In this lesson, we will focus on how to use "skal" to express future tense more accurately.

To improve your Norwegian Bokmål Grammar, you can also use the Polyglot Club website. Find native speakers and ask them any questions!

Using "skal" to express the future tense[edit | edit source]

In Norwegian Bokmål, to express future actions, we use the auxiliary verb "skal" which means "shall" in English. The structure of the sentence is as follows: Subject + skal + verb in the infinitive form.

Here are some examples using "skal":

Norwegian Bokmål Pronunciation English
Jeg skal reise til Paris. Yej skal reise til paree I shall go to Paris.
Vi skal spise middag klokken seks i kveld. Vee skal speese middaag klooken seks ee kvelld We shall have dinner at six this evening.
De skal ta toget til Bergen. Deh skal ta toget til behrgen They shall take the train to Bergen.

As you can see from the examples, the word "skal" does not change according to gender or number; it remains the same regardless of the subject.

Using present tense to express the future[edit | edit source]

As mentioned earlier, we can also use the present tense to express future actions. However, it is not always appropriate to use the present tense, and it depends on the situation. Generally, the present tense can be used to talk about planned events, schedules, timetables, and something that will happen according to a routine. Here's an example:

Norwegian Bokmål Pronunciation English
Bussen går klokken sju i morgen. Boosen går klooken soo ee morrgen The bus leaves at seven tomorrow morning.

In this example, the present tense is used to talk about a scheduled departure, which is a routine event.

However, if we want to express that we will do something specific, we use "skal" instead of the present tense. Here's an example:

Norwegian Bokmål Pronunciation English
Jeg skal på fest i kveld. Yej skal poo fest ee kveeld I am going to a party tonight.

In this example, "skal" is used because we are expressing a future event that is not scheduled or routine.

Negation in the future tense[edit | edit source]

To make a sentence negative in the future tense, we add the word "ikke" after "skal". Here are some examples:

Norwegian Bokmål Pronunciation English
Jeg skal ikke dra på ferie i år. Yej skal eeke druh poo feerie ee yehr I shall not go on holiday this year.
De skal ikke kjøpe huset. Deh skal eeke shyoope hooset They shall not buy the house.

Practice dialogue[edit | edit source]

Here's a dialogue, which will help you practice using the future tense in Norwegian Bokmål:

  • Person 1: Skal du til London snart? (Are you going to London soon?)
  • Person 2: Ja, jeg skal til London neste måned. (Yes, I am going to London next month.)
  • Person 1: Skal du se en fotballkamp der? (Are you going to watch a football match there?)
  • Person 2: Ja, jeg skal se Tottenham mot Arsenal. (Yes, I am going to watch Tottenham against Arsenal.)
  • Person 1: Skal du reise alene? (Are you going alone?)
  • Person 2: Nei, jeg skal reise med min venn. (No, I am going with my friend.)

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

In conclusion, the future tense in Norwegian Bokmål can be expressed using "skal", which means "shall" in English. "Skal" is used with the verb in the infinitive form to express future actions. Remember that the present tense can also be used to express future events, depending on the situation. To make a sentence negative in the future tense, add the word "ikke" after "skal".

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➡ Feel free to edit this wiki page if you think it can be improved. 😎

Sources[edit | edit source]

Excellent job on conquering this lesson! Consider delving into these related pages: How to Use Have & Basic sentence structure.

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