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Dagi γur-wen akayad wis sin γef yisem deg teqbaylit.

Here you have the second exam about kabyle noun.


1/ Efk-d anamek n yisem deg tutlayt taqbaylit.

Give the meaning of "noun" in kabyle language.

2/ Efk-d sin (2) yismawen n wemdan, sin (2) yismawen n waxut, sin (2) yismawen n yemγi akw d sin (2) nniḍen n tγawsa.

Give two (2) nouns of "person", two (2) nouns of "animal", two (2) nouns of "plant" and two (2) nouns of "thing".

3/ Dacu d amgarad yellan ger taγawsa takmamt d tγawsa tamadwant ?

What's the difference between "concrete thing" and "abstract thing" ?

4/ Efk-d sin (2) yismawen n tγawsa takmamt (sin yismawen ikmamen) d sin (2) nniḍen n tγawsa tamadwant (sin yismawen imadwanen).

Give two (2) nouns of "concrete thing" and two others of "abstract thing".

5/ Isem γur-s kraḍ (3) n wudmawen, ini-ten-id.

A noun has three (3) kinds , cite them.

6/ Isem amaẓlay yebḍa γef sin : Isem amaẓlay n wemdan d yisem amaẓlay n wadeg. Efk-d sin yismawen imaẓlayen n wemdan d sin nniḍen n wadeg.

There are two kinds of proper noun : proper noun of "person" and proper noun of "place". Give two proper nouns of "person" and two others of "place".


  • Akayad = Exam,
  • Alaγmu = Exercise,
  • Axut = Animal,
  • Imγi = Plant,
  • Taγawsa = Thing,
  • Amagrad = Difference,
  • Akmam = Concrete,
  • Amadwan (Abstract),
  • Amaẓlay (isem) = Proper (noun),
  • Adeg = Place.


1/ Isem γur-s sin waddaden, ini-ten-id.

A noun has two states, cite them.

2/ Eks-d deg twinasin-agi addaden n yisem u sken-iyi-d anwi d isemawen i yellan deg waddad ilelli d wid yellan deg waddad amaruz :

Take off from these following sentences states of the noun, show what are the nouns that are in free state and those that are in state of annexation :

  • Yura uselmad / Aselmad yura (The teacher came)
  • Aqcic iţţru / Iţţru weqcic (The boy cried)
  • Xedmen yergazen / Irgazen xedmen (Men worked)
  • Taqcict tura / Tura teqcict (The girl wrote)
  • Cebḥent teqcicin / Tiqcicin cebḥent (Girls are beautiful)
  • Tamellalt teţweč / Teţweč tmellalt (The egg is eaten)
  • Yiwet tfunast / Tafunast (One cow)
  • Uccen iswa aman / Iswa wuccen aman (The jackal drank water)
  • Yeṛṛez wul inu / Ul inu yeṛṛez (My heart is broken)
  • Aldun yefsi / Yefsi waldun (The lead is molten)
  • Yelluẓ yizem / Izem yelluẓ (The young man is hungry)
  • Imi yeldi / Yeldi yimi (The mouth is open)
  • Ldin yimawen / Imawen ldin (The mouths are open)

3/ Dacu i d-yeskanayen ma yella waddad n yisem d ilelli neγ d amaruz ?

What shows if a state of the noun is free or of annexation?

4/ Di tegti amek i yeţţuγal umagrad n yisem amalay deg wasuf mi ara yili deg waddad amaruz u amek yeţţuγal deg wesget mi ara yili deg waddad amaruz ? Efk-d amedya γef wanecta.

In general how it becomes the ininial vowel of the masculine noun in singular when it's in state of annexation and how it becomes in plural when it's in state of annexation? Give and example about this.

5/ Amagrad n yisem izmer ad yili d “y” deg wasuf, d “y” deg wesget mi ara ad yili deg waddad amaruz. Efk-d amedya γef wanecta.

The initial vowel of the noun can be "y" in the singular and "y" in the plural when it's in state of annexation. Give an example about this.

6/ Mi ara yili yisem d unti, di tegti amagrad iγelli deg waddad amaruz. Efk-d amedya γef wanecta.

In general when a noun is feminine, the initial vowel is removed in the state of annexation. Give an example about this.

7/ Amagrad n yisem asuf neγ n yisem asget izmer ad iţwakkes deg waddad amaruz. Efk-d amedya γef wanecta.

The initial vowel of the singular noun or of the plural noun can be removed in the state of annexation. Give an example about this.

8/ Isem yeţţili d ilelli mi ara :

The noun is in a free state when :

  • a/ Isem yezwar amyag/The noun pecedes the verb : Efk-d amedya/Give an example.
  • b/ Tazelγa ”d” n tilawt tezwar isem/The particle “d” of reality precedes the noun : Efk-d amedya/Give an example.
  • c/ Tanzeγt “s” n tnila tezwar isem/The preposition “s” of direction precedes the noun : Efk-d amedya/Give an example.
  • d/ Asmi ara yili yisem d asemmad/When the noun is a complement : Efk-d amedya/Give an example.

9/ Isem yeţţili d amaruz mi ara :

The noun is in a state of annexation when :

  • a/ Amyag yezwar isem/The verb pecedes the noun : Efk-d amedya/Give an example.
  • b/ Isem yezwar isem/The noun pecedes the noun : Efk-d amedya/Give an example.
  • c/ Tanzeγt tezwar isem/The preposition pecedes the noun : Efk-d amedya/Give an example.
  • d/ Amḍan yezwar isem/The number pecedes the noun : Efk-d amedya/Give an example.
  • e/ Amqim Ameskan yezwar isem/The demonstrative pronoun pecedes the noun : Efk-d amedya/Give an example.


1/ Llan kra n yismawen ur ţbeddilen ara, γur-sen yiwet talγa ama deg waddad ilelli ama deg waddad amaruz : Efk-d semmus (5) yismawen I yellan akka-agi. Efk-d daγen semmus tefyirin i deg ad tesxedmeḍ ismawen-agi.

There are some nouns that dont change, they have one form in both cases (free state and state of annexation) : Give five (5) nouns that are like this. Give also five (5) sentences in which you use these nouns.

2/ Ismawen imalayen ur nbeddu-yara s teγri ur γur-sen ara amaruz : Efk-d sin yismawen imalayen i yeqnen ar tamawt-agi. Efk-d daγen snat tefyirin i deg ad tesxedmeḍ ismawen-agi.

Masculine nouns that dont begin with a vowel, they dont have state of annexation. Give two masculine nouns that are related to this remark. Give also two sentences in which you use these nouns.

3/ Ismawen untiyen ur nbeddu-yara s “t” ur γur-sen ara amaruz : Efk-d sin yismawen untiyen i yeqnen ar tamawt-agi.  Efk-d daγen snat tefyirin i deg ad tesxedmeḍ ismawen-agi..

Feminine nouns that dont begin with "t", they dont have state of annexation. Give two feminine nouns that are related to this remark. Give also two sentences in which you use these nouns.

Amawal/Dictionary[edit | edit source]

  • Addad = state/état (Addaden = states/états)
  • Addad amaruz = state of annexation/état d'annexion
  • Addad ilelli = free state/état libre
  • Akmam = concrete/concret
  • Amadwan = abstract/abstrait
  • Amagrad = initial vowel/voyelle initiale
  • Amalay = masculine/masculin
  • Amaẓlay = proper/propre
  • Amdan = person/personne
  • Amḍan = number/nombre
  • Amqim = pronoun/pronom
  • Amqim ameskan = demonstrative pronoun/pronom démonstratif
  • Asemmad = complement/complément
  • Axut/Aγersiw = animal/animal
  • Imγi = plant/plante
  • Unti = feminine/féminin
  • Asget = plural/pluriel
  • Asuf = singular/singulier
  • Tafyirt = sentence/phrase (tifyirin = sentences/phrases)
  • Tajeṛṛumt = grammar/grammaire
  • Taγawsa = thing/chose
  • Talγa = form/forme
  • Tasureft = exception/exception (Tisuraf = exceptions/exceptions)
  • Tanzeγt = preposition/préposition
  • Tazelγa = particle/particule

All Kabyle Exams[edit source]

  1. Alphabet Questions | Answers
  2. Noun Questions | Answers

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