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Belarusian Vocabulary → Food → Ingredients

As a Belarusian language teacher with 20 years of experience, I am excited to help you expand your Belarusian vocabulary. In this lesson, we will focus on learning the words for different food ingredients.


Fresh Fruits

Belarusian language has a variety of words for different fresh fruits. Here are some of them:

Belarusian Pronunciation English
яблык yablyk apple
вінаград vinahrat grape
мандарын mandaryn mandarin
вясёлая вяшня vyasolaya vyashnya sour cherry
калюжная вяшня kalyuzhnaya vyashnya sweet cherry
крыжава kryzhava cranberry
тутовы смок tutovy smok fig
галубіна halubina blueberry

Dried Fruits and Nuts

Belarusian language also has words for dried fruits and nuts:

Belarusian Pronunciation English
сушаныя вяшчэракі sushanyya vyashcheraki dried apricots
фінік finik date
вясёлы горшак vyasoly horshak walnut
міндаль mіndal' almond


Fresh Vegetables

Belarusian language has a variety of words for different fresh vegetables. Here are some of them:

Belarusian Pronunciation English
бурак burak beet
капуста kapusta cabbage
кукарыка kukarуka cucumber
часнак chasnak garlic
цыбуля tsubulya onion
перацінка peratsinka sweet pepper

Dried Vegetables

Belarusian language also has words for dried vegetables:

Belarusian Pronunciation English
капуста кіслая kapusta kіslaya sauerkraut
цыбулька tsybуіlka dried onion
маркоўка markowska dried carrot

Meat and Seafood

Belarusian cuisine is known for its meat dishes. Here are some popular meat-related vocabulary words:

Belarusian Pronunciation English
бараніна baranіna lamb
гушчацце gushchats'tse duck
шчука shchuka pike
вугор vugor eel

Miscellaneous Ingredients

To complete our list of food ingredients, here are some miscellaneous ingredients that are commonly used in Belarusian cuisine:

Belarusian Pronunciation English
сметана smetana sour cream
квас kvas rye bread drink
мед med honey

I hope you found this lesson interesting and informative. Don't forget to practice these words regularly to improve your Belarusian language skills. In our next lesson, we will discuss famous Belarusian dishes and their history.

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