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Central Kurdish Vocabulary - Family

In today's lesson, we will learn some Central Kurdish words related to family.

Main Terms

Below is a table with some Central Kurdish words related to family, their pronunciation and translation in English.

Word in Central Kurdish Pronunciation Translation in English
باور bawer father
مادر madar mother
برادر baradar brother
خواهر xwahir sister
پۆل pol family
بچه bache child
بچێک bachek children
باوردار bawerdar grandfather
مادردار madardar grandmother
برادردار baradardar uncle
خواهردار xwahirdar aunt
پۆلدار poldar relatives
بچه‌دار bachedar parents


Let's practice the words above in a dialogue.

  • Person 1: باورتوون؟ (bawertuwn?) – Where is your father?
  • Person 2: باورم ده‌که‌وته‌وه‌. (bawerm dakhewtewe.) – My father is at home.
  • Person 1: مادرتوون؟ (madartuwn?) – Where is your mother?
  • Person 2: مادرم ده‌که‌وته‌وه‌. (madarm dakhewtewe.) – My mother is at home.
  • Person 1: برادرتوون؟ (baradartuwn?) – Where is your brother?
  • Person 2: برادرم ده‌که‌وته‌وه‌. (baradarm dakhewtewe.) – My brother is at home.
  • Person 1: خواهرتوون؟ (xwahirtuwn?) – Where is your sister?
  • Person 2: خواهرم ده‌که‌وته‌وه‌. (xwahirm dakhewtewe.) – My sister is at home.
  • Person 1: پۆلتوون؟ (poltuwn?) – Where is your family?
  • Person 2: پۆلم ده‌که‌وته‌وه‌. (polm dakhewtewe.) – My family is at home.

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Here are some other lessons related to Central Kurdish vocabulary:

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