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Plural in Portuguese

Words ending in vowels – add “s”

Singular Plural English
Carro carros Car – cars
Mesa mesas Table – tables
Cama camas Bed – beds

Words ending in “ão”

There are 3 alternatives (depeding on the word):

Change “ão” for “ães”

Singular Plural English
Pão Pães bread – breads
Alemão alemães German – Germans

Change “ão” for “ões”

Singular Plural English
Avião aviões airplane – airplanes
Questão questões question – questions

Change “ão” for “ãos”

Singular Plural English
Irmão irmãos brothers
Mão Mãos hands

Words ending in “m”

Change “m” for “ns”

Singular Plural English
Nuvem nuvens cloud – clouds
Trem trens train – trains

Words ending in “L”

Ending in al, el, ol or ul – change the “l” for “is”

Singular Plural English
Animal animais animal – animals
Capital capitais capital – capitals
Papel papéis paper – papers

Words ending in “r”, “s” or “z”

Add – “es”

Singular Plural English
Cobertor cobertores blanket – blankets
Mês meses month – months
Luz luzes light – lights

Words used in the plural form

Plural Translation
as calças pants
as costas back (part of the body)
os óculos glasses
os parabéns congratulations
as férias vacation


Vincent, Maintenance script and Mayank96Q

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