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Chadian Arabic Vocabulary - Education

Hi Chadian Arabic learners! 😊
In this lesson, we will focus on Chadian Arabic vocabulary related to education. Education is crucial to build strong and knowledgeable societies. We will look into the most common words and expressions related to learning and education.

Don't hesitate to look into these other pages after completing this lesson: Idiomatic Expressions & Feelings and Emotions.

Chadian Arabic Vocabulary

Basic Vocabulary

Here is a list of basic vocabulary related to education:

Chadian Arabic Pronunciation English
المدرسة "al-madrasa" School
الدراسة "ad-darasah" Studies
الطالب/الطالبة "at-taalib/a" Student
التدريب "at-tadrīb" Training
الكتاب "al-kutub" Book
الفصل "al-fasl" Classroom
الأستاذ/الأستاذة "al-ustaadh/a" Teacher
التعليم "at-taalīm" Education
التحصيل "at-tahsīl" Achievement/Qualification

Asking Questions

When learning, asking questions is crucial to fully understand the material. Here are some common questions:

Chadian Arabic Pronunciation English
ماذا يعني هذا؟ "maatha ya’ni haatha?" What does this mean?
ما الذي يأتي بعد؟ "maa althi ya'ti ba'd?" What comes next?
هل يمكنك تكرار ذلك؟ "hal yumkinuka takrār dhaalik?" Can you repeat that?
هل يمكنك طرح المزيد من الأمثلة؟ "hal yumkinuka tarh al-mazīd min al-amthila?" Can you provide more examples?

Academic Subjects

Below is a list of academic subjects you may encounter in school:

Chadian Arabic Pronunciation English
العربية "al-‘arabīyah" Arabic
الرياضيات "ar-riyāḍiyyāt" Mathematics
العلوم "al-‘ulum" Science
اللغة الإنجليزية "al-lughah al-inglīziyyah" English Language
التاريخ "at-tārīkh" History
الجغرافيا "al-jughrafiyah" Geography
الفنون "al-funūn" Arts

Educational Levels

Here are some common educational levels:

Chadian Arabic Pronunciation English
الإبتدائية "al-ibtidā’īyah" Elementary School
المتوسطة "al-mutawassīṭah" Middle School
الإعدادية "al-i’dādiyah" Preparatory School
الثانوية "ath-thānawīyah" High School


Here is a dialogue that may take place in a classroom:

  • الطالب: ماذا يعني هذا؟ (What does this mean?)
  • الأستاذ: يعني أن تكون حذرًا. (It means to be careful.)
  • الطالب: هل يمكنك توضيح أكثر؟ (Can you clarify more?)
  • الأستاذ: بالطبع! يعني أنك لا تستطيع السير في هذه المنطقة. (Of course! It means that you cannot walk in that area.)


This is it for our Chadian Arabic vocabulary lesson on education. Learning new vocabulary is always essential and we hope this lesson was helpful to you. To improve your Chadian Arabic Vocabulary, you can also use the Polyglot Club website. Find native speakers and ask them any questions!


Upon wrapping up this lesson, take a look at these related pages: Fruits & Days of the Week.

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