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Interlingua (International Auxiliary Language Association) Grammar - Give your Opinion

Hi Interlingua (International Auxiliary Language Association) learners! 😊
In this lesson, we will learn how to give your opinion in Interlingua. We will look at the grammar rules and examples, and then test your knowledge with a quiz.


Giving your opinion in Interlingua is quite simple. To express your opinion, you can use the verb parer (to seem). This verb is conjugated as follows:

Person Singular Plural
I pare pare
You pares pare
He/She/It pare paren
We paremos paren
You paretis paren
They pare paren

To give your opinion, you can use the following structure: Subject + Parer + Adjective + Noun

For example:

  • Io pare bon. (I think it's good.)
  • Tu pares mal. (You think it's bad.)
  • Ille pare interessante. (He thinks it's interesting.)


Here are some more examples of giving your opinion in Interlingua:

Interlingua English
Nos pare interessante. We think it's interesting.
Illes paren bon. They think it's good.
Io pare mal. I think it's bad.
Tu pares interessante. You think it's interesting.
Vos paretis bon. You think it's good.

To improve your Interlingua (International Auxiliary Language Association) Grammar, you can also use the Polyglot Club website. Find native speakers and ask them any questions!

Example Sentences

Here are some example sentences using the structure we learned above:

Interlingua English
Io pare interessante. I think it's interesting.
Tu pares bon. You think it's good.
Ille pare mal. He thinks it's bad.
Nos pare interessante. We think it's interesting.
Illes paren bon. They think it's good.


Test your knowledge with the following quiz:

Question Answer
How do you say "I think it's bad" in Interlingua? Io pare mal.
How do you say "You think it's interesting" in Interlingua? Tu pares interessante.
How do you say "They think it's good" in Interlingua? Illes paren bon.
How do you say "We think it's interesting" in Interlingua? Nos pare interessante.
How do you say "He thinks it's bad" in Interlingua? Ille pare mal.

That's it for this lesson! Now you know how to give your opinion in Interlingua.

➡ If you have any questions, please ask them in the comments section below.
➡ Feel free to edit this wiki page if you think it can be improved. 😎

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