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Kabyle Vocabulary - Animals

Hi Kabyle learners! 😊
In this lesson, we will learn the names of some common animals in Kabyle. Do you know that many of these animals are involved in Kabyle culture and folklore? Let's dive into the world of Kabyle animals and immerse ourselves in the language! Don't forget to use the Polyglot Club to find native speakers and ask them any questions. You can also check out our [Language/Kabyle/Vocabulary|vocabulary page] for more words!


Mammals are warm-blooded vertebrates that have hair, give birth to live young (except monotremes), and nurse their young with milk produced by mammary glands.

Kabyle Pronunciation English
amezyan /amɛzjan/ cat
wecri /wɛtʃri/ dog
ludzel /lydzɛl/ fox
aggur /ag:ur/ horse
ayuz /ajuz/ donkey
thagutth /θagutθ/ wolf
ameqqran n tmurt /amɛq:ran n tmuʁt/ lion
afrani /afrani/ mouse


  • Person 1: Azul, nekkini amezyan. (Hello, I have a cat.)
  • Person 2: Azul, nekkini wecri. (Hello, I have a dog.)


Birds are a group of warm-blooded vertebrates that have feathers, wings, and lay eggs.

Kabyle Pronunciation English
aɣyal /aɣjal/ chicken
tejettar /tɛdʒɛttar/ duck
taqcict /taqcict/ dove/pigeon
aghbalu /aɣbalu/ sparrow


  • Person 1: Ur nekneɣ taburt n aɣyal. (I don't eat chicken.)
  • Person 2: Aqbayli a ṭṭaqcict. (I love pigeons.)


Fish are cold-blooded aquatic animals that have fins, gills, and scales.

Kabyle Pronunciation English
aɣlid /aɣlid/ eel
cciṭṭa /tʃit: a/ octopus
acraɣ /aḍraɣ/ crab
ameẓẓuɣ /amɛz:uɣ/ shark
assaɣen /assaɣɛn/ mussels


  • Person 1: Nettiɣ Cciṭṭa ma yella ccnaɣ. (I ate octopus yesterday.)
  • Person 2: Anwa win tebdaɣ-nwen ad ɣ-aleɣ Aɣliden n Assaɣen? (Where can I buy mussels?)

Reptiles and Amphibians

Reptiles and amphibians are cold-blooded vertebrates.

Kabyle Pronunciation English
liṭac /litatʃ/ frog
ameqqran n tesnawit /amɛq:ran n tɛsnawit/ crocodile
ulqi /ulqi/ turtle
segni /sɛɡni/ snake


  • Person 1: Nekka ur tetnaɣ liṭac. (I don't like frogs.)
  • Person 2: Aqcict i segni ɣef zzit n umḍiq. (The dove is afraid of the snake near the tree.)


Insects are a class of invertebrates that have a three-part body (head, thorax, and abdomen) and typically two or four wings.

Kabyle Pronunciation English
isawen /isawɛn/ bees
idurar /idur:ar/ ants
abeḥri /abɛħri/ butterfly
aḥḥuli /aħħuli/ beetle


  • Person 1: Tennaɣt tiraɣ ɣer bniɣ-is. (My hand hurts from the bee sting.)
  • Person 2: Abeḥri wwin uccen, abeḥri wwin uḥric. (Butterfly come and go, butterfly has no problem.)


Congratulations! You have learned some of the most common animals in Kabyle. Now go practice them with your friends or find a native speaker on the Polyglot Club. Remember, language learning is not only about memorizing words, it's also about immersing yourself in the culture and exploring the roots of the language. For more Kabyle vocabulary, check out our [Language/Kabyle/Vocabulary|vocabulary page]. Aka d akkw akeddi! (Goodbye!)

➡ If you have any questions, please ask them in the comments section below.
➡ Feel free to edit this wiki page if you think it can be improved. 😎


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