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As we all know, Chinese Kung Fu movies have been spreading abroad since the time of Bruce Lee, and many modern westerners have come to know Chinese culture from Bruce Lee.

Today, Bruce Lee has become a Kung Fu, cultural, and spiritual icon, and his legend has become a classic example of Trans-cultural diffusion.

Bruce Lee, a Kung Fu star and martial arts master, has made and achieved three great ambitions in his life: to bring Chinese Kung Fu to the world, to bring Chinese films to the world market, and to create his own martial arts.

Modern Westerners'knowledge of Chinese martial arts and Chinese movies began almost entirely with Bruce Lee. As a martial artist, Bruce Lee devoted his life to the study and development of martial arts.

Studying Chinese boxing and studying foreign boxing, Bruce Lee Developed Jeet Kune do with a broad mind and the essence of various styles of Kungfu in different countries. He taught wing Chun and Jeet Kune do at the founding of the United States, gave talks about his understanding of Chinese martial arts, and competed with elite fighters from around the world.


Vincent, Maintenance script and Haazzz

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