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Shona Vocabulary - Geography

Hi Shona learners! 😊
In this lesson, we will learn Shona vocabulary related to geography. Understanding geography is crucial to understanding the world we live in. It helps us learn about other countries and cultures, and appreciate the natural beauty of our planet. Let's get started!

With the completion of this lesson, consider investigating these related pages: Telling Time & How to say Good Bye?.

Basic Geography Vocabulary[edit | edit source]

Let's start with some basic vocabulary that you will need to know when learning about geography.

Shona Pronunciation English
tarachisi, taranyika geography
nyika country
ziwumbe continent
unda, ndau land
nzvimbo area, place
chisi region
teritori territory
pasi ground
pasirose world
rinopasi earth
gurunyika mainland
chitsuwa island
gungwa ocean
bhahari sea
nyanza lake
rwizi river
denga de.ŋɡa sky
gomo mountain
mhotedzero environment

Continents and Vocabulary[edit | edit source]

Shona Translation English
Afurika Africa
Ezhiya, Ezha Asia
Yuropu Europe
Hoshina Oceania
Anthakitika Antarctica
Amerika Maodzanyemba North America
Amerika Chamhembe South America

Countries and Vocabulary[edit | edit source]

African countries[edit | edit source]

Shona Pronunciation English Shona Pronunciation English
Afurika Chamhembe South Africa Moritani Mauritania
Anghola Angola Moroko Morroco
Arujeriya, Rujazaire Algeria Naijeriya Nigeria
Bhenini Benin Namibhiya Namibia
Bhurukina Faso Burkina Faso Nayizhe Niger
Chadhi Chad Ribheriya Liberia
Eriteriya Eritrea Ribhiya Libya
Eswatini Eswatini, Swaziland Rudhende rwe Afurika Yepakati Central African Republic
Gabhoni (VuGabhoni) Gabon Rudhende rwe Vukongo


Republic of the Congo


Gambia (VoGambia) The Gambia Rwanda Rwanda
Ghana Ghana Sao Tome ne Purinzipe Sao Tome and Principe
Ghini Guinea Senegari Senegal
Ghini-Visawu Guinea-Bissau Seyisheri Seychelles
Ghini-Yomutsazanisi Equatorial Guinea Siera-Leyoni Sierra-Leon
Ijipita, Gipita Egypt Somariya Somalia
Itopiya Ethiopia Sudhani Sudan
Jibhuti Djibouti Sudhani Chamhembe South Sudan
Kabho Vherite Cape Verde Tanzania Tanzania
Kameruni Cameroon Togo Togo
Kenya Kenya Tunisia Tunisia
Komori Comoros Utemabanze we Rudhende rwe Vukongo


Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)
Kote Dhi Vhwa Cote d'Ivoire Vuganda Uganda
Maari (VoMaari) Mali Vurundi Burundi
Marawi, Malawi Malawi Vusutu Lesotho
Matagadzikwa Madagascar Vutswana Botswana
Mazambuko Mozambique Zambia Zambia
Morishasi Mauritius Zimbabwe Zimbabwe

Asian Countries[edit | edit source]

Shona Pronunciation English Shona Pronunciation English
Afughanistani Afghanistan Mongoriya Mongolia
Arumeniya Amernia Neparu Nepal
Azeribhaijani Azerbaijan Omani Oman
Bhahareyini Bahrein Pakistani Pakistan
Bhangaladheshi Bangladesh Kataa Qatar
Bhurunei Brunei Raosi Laos
Bhutani Butan Rebhanoni Lebanon
Chayina China Rhashiya Russia
India India Shipurasi Cyprus
Indonezha Indonesia Saudhi Arabhiya Saudi Arabia
Irani Iran Sin'apowo Singapore
Iraki Iraq Siri Lankha Sri Lanka
Isiraeri Israel Siriya Syria
Istimuri East Timor Tajikistani Tajikistan
Japani Japan Turukiya Türkiye
Jojiya Georgia Turukimenistani Turkmenistan
Jorodhani Jordan Mubatanidzwa weMaamire eUarabhu United Arab Emirates
Kambodhiya Cambodia Uzubhekistani Uzbekistan
Kazakhastani Kazakhstan Vhiyetinamu Vietnam
Kerigistani Kyrgyzstan Vufiripina Philippines
Koriya Chamhembe South Korea Vumalayi Malaysia
Koriya Maodzanyemba North Korea Vuthayi Thailand
Kuwayiti Kuwait Yemeni Yemen
Miyanima Mynmar Morudhivhi Maldives

Some European Countries[edit | edit source]

Shona Pronunciation English Shona Pronunciation English
Andora Andorra Monako Monaco
Arubhaniya Albania Monthenegiro Montenegro
Bherarusi Belarus Morudhvha Moldova
Bherujyamu Belgium Noruweyi Norway
Bhoziniya ne Herizegovhina Bosnia and Herzegovina Ostiriya, Awustiriya Austria
Bhuritani United Kingdom Polandi Poland
Bhurugariya Bulgaria Putugaro Portugal
Cheki Czechia Rakisombhegi Luxemburg
Dhanemaki Denmark Rativhiya Latvia
Estonia Estonia Rishenistayini Liechtenstein
Furanzi France Ritwaniya Lithuania
Holandi Netherlands Rhomaniya Romania
Hlovhakiya Slovakia Serubhiya Serbia
Hlovheniya Slovenia Speini Spain
Hungariya Hungary Vufini Finland
Itari Italy Vugiriki Greece
Jerumani Germany Vusvwisi Switzerland
Kurohesha Croatia Yerelendi Ireland
Maruta Malta Yisirandi Iceland

Some countries in Oceania[edit | edit source]

Shona Pronunciation English
Fiji Fiji
Kiribhati Kiribati
Mikoronesi Micronesia
Nauru Nauru
Nyuzilandi, Aotearoa New Zealand
Ostireriya, Awustireriya Australia
Palawu Palau
Papwa Ghini-Dzva Papua New Guinea
Samoa Samoa
Tonga Tonga
Tuvhalu Tuvalu
Vhanuatu Vanuatu
Zvitsuwa zva Soromoni


Soloman Islands
Zvitsuwa zva Marishori


Marshall Islands

Some North American Countries[edit | edit source]

Shona Pronunciation English Shona Pronunciation English
Andigwa ne Bharibhudha Antigua and Barbuda Kanadha Canada
Bharibhadhosi Barbados Mabhahama Bahamas
Bhelize Belize Mehiko Mexico
Dhominika Dominica Musande Kitsi ne Nevhisi Saint Kitts and Nevis
Eri Savhadho El Savador Musande Rukia Saint Lucia
Girenadha Grenada Musande Vhinzone ne Girenadhinezi Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Gwatemala Guatemala Nikaragwa Nicaragua
Haiti Haiti Panama Panama
Hondurasi Honduras Rudhende rwe Dhominika Dominican Republic
Jamaika Jamaica Tirinidhadha ne Tobhago Trinidad and Tobago
Kuubha Cuba Amerika America

Some South American countries[edit | edit source]

Shona Pronunciation English
Aryendina Argentina
Bhorivhiya Bolivia
Bhuraziri Brazill
Chire Chile
Ekwadhoro Ecuador
Guyana Guyana
Kolombiya Colombia
Paragwayi Paraguay
Peru Peru
Suriname Suriname
Urugwayi Uruguay
Vhenezwela Venezuela

Desert Vocabulary[edit | edit source]

Deserts are beautiful but inhospitable places that have fascinated people throughout history. Here is some Shona vocabulary to help you understand more about these fascinating places.

Shona Pronunciation English
gwenga desert
jecha sand
dundu dune
chinyuko oasis
uma mirage
mhari drought
piramidhi pyramid
sahara sahara


  • Person 1: Urikuendepi? (Where are you going?)
  • Person 2: Ndiri kuenda kuSahara. (I am going to the Sahara)
  • Person 1: Urikuitei munzvimbo inopisa sokudaro? (What do you do in such a hot place?)
  • Person 2: Ndauya kunoferefeta, asi ndicharamba ndakachenjera. (I came to explore, but I will remain cautious)

Ocean and Sea Vocabulary[edit | edit source]

Oceans and seas cover over 70% of the Earth's surface and are essential for life on our planet. Here is some vocabulary to help you understand more about these vast bodies of water.

Shona Pronunciation English
gungwa ocean
bhahari sea
saisai wave
chitsuwa island
mugimbakirwa peninsula
gururundu, gurutsuwa archipelago
gahwi gulf
gawa inlet
muronga channel
bhayi bay
rumaniko strait
ghuva, ghua seafloor, seabed
gandwa lagoon
gombe shore, seashore


  • Person 1: Urikuenda kuKariba pamupero wesvondo here? (Are you going to Kariba this weekend?)
  • Person 2: Hongu, tirikuronga kurhenda bwato rekuenda pamwe newe nemwamuna wako. (Yes, we planned to rent a boat to ride with you and your husband)
  • Person 1: Handisi kuona zvakadaro pano, hatingararame upenyu usina mwero ko. (I haven't seen such a thing here, we can't waste our lives there)
  • Person 2: Ko zvekushamira mutabhi inodziya kumba? (But how about taking a swim in the hot tub at home?)

Mountain Vocabulary[edit | edit source]

Mountains are some of the most majestic and awe-inspiring natural features on Earth. Here is some Shona vocabulary to help you understand more about these amazing formations.

Shona Pronunciation English
gomo mountain
dzimbahwe summit
chimwere cliff
mupata valley
hanu, haro mountain pass
jinga foot hill


  • Person 1: Munotya ka kunana gungwa? (Aren't you scared of hiking?)
  • Person 2: Handitombonzwawo krusade redukuri (I've never heard of anyone getting lost)
  • Person 1: Asi mukasiya mafuta here? (But what if you run out of petrol?)
  • Person 2: Handina kubikira kana kupfeka sando, ndoda pfungwa (I won't drive or wear sandals, I need to be cautious)

Weather Vocabulary[edit | edit source]

Understanding the weather is important not just for its practical applications, but also for its impact on our daily lives. Here is some Shona vocabulary to help you understand more about the weather.

Shona Pronunciation English
hwewa, hwehwa weather
mvura rain
bvungapfunga fog
gore cloud


  • Person 1: Zvichakurwadza here kuita vanhu pano pano? (Does the heat bother you while doing outdoor activities here?)
  • Person 2: Handi, ndiri kupikirira pamwe napfuti (No, I'm thinking of swimming with an oasis)
  • Person 1: Asi havadi here ndimi ne-zuva iyi? (But won't you be uncomfortable with the sun?)
  • Person 2: Handidi kunyatsoitira, handikuzivikanwe chete (I won't overdo it, I'm not used to it)

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

Well done! You now know some basic Shona Geography vocabulary. As always, the more you practice, the more you'll remember. Don't forget to use Find native speakers and ask them any questions. You can also improve your Shona Vocabulary and other skills by visiting Polyglot Club, where you can find language exchange partners from all over the world.

➡ If you have any questions, please ask them in the comments section below.
➡ Feel free to edit this wiki page if you think it can be improved. 😎

Now that you've completed this lesson, don't stop learning! Check out these related topics: Fruits and Vegetables & Health.

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