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South Azerbaijani Vocabulary - Days of the Week

Hi South Azerbaijani learners! 😊
In this lesson, we will learn the days of the week in South Azerbaijani. Knowing the days of the week is essential for everyday conversations in any language. By the end of this lesson, you will be able to use South Azerbaijani weekdays accurately and comfortably. Let's begin!

Introduction[edit | edit source]

Typically, the South Azerbaijani language uses a combination of Turkish and Persian in its vocabulary. Much of the weekdays in South Azerbaijani are Turkish in origin. However, there are several alternatives for some days as well.

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Days of the Week[edit | edit source]

Here is the list of South Azerbaijani days of the week:

South Azerbaijani Pronunciation English
Bazar kərbəsənba ['bazɑɾ kɛɾbɛsænbɑ] Monday
Bazar çərşənbə ['bazɑɾ tʃərʃænbæ] Tuesday
çərşənbə axşamı [tʃərʃænbæ ækʃɑmɯ] Wednesday
Cümə axşamı [d͡ʒymɛ ækʃɑmɯ] Thursday
Cümə [d͡ʒymæ] Friday
Şənbə [ʃænbæ] Saturday
Bazar ['bazɑɾ] Sunday

It is interesting to note that South Azerbaijani has different days for Saturday and Sunday, which is unlike their close relatives, Turkish and Azerbaijani. The Persian influence is also observable for Wednesday and Thursday with the additional word "axşamı" meaning "evening". It must be noted that the majority of the population refers to the days using only their Turkish names, while the religious communities may use the Arabic alternates (Juma for Friday and Ahad for Sunday).

Let's have a dialogue to see the above-learned vocabulary in context!

  • Person 1: Bazar kərbəsənba payızdan sora başlayır. (Monday starts after the autumn starts.)
  • Person 2: Hə, düzdür. Bazar çərşənbə günü mən də işimə başlayaram. (Yes, that's right. I will start working on Tuesday too.)
  • Person 1: Çox yağış yağdığı üçün, çərşənbə axşamı təxminən saat 6-da evdə olaram. (Because of heavy rain, I will be at home on Wednesday evening at around 6.)
  • Person 2: Mən də Cümə axsama qalacam evdə. (I will also stay at home on Thursday evening.)

Cultural Insights[edit | edit source]

South Azerbaijani people have a long-standing tradition of naming children after the days of the week. Although the custom is now much less common, it existed in the past as a way to remember the child's birth date. The name would also show the religious identity of the family or be a cultural reference point.

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

This concludes the South Azerbaijani Vocabulary lesson on the weekdays. Remember, practice makes perfect! To improve your South Azerbaijani Vocabulary, you can also use the Polyglot Club website. Find native speakers and ask them any questions! Don't forget to check out our South Azerbaijani Vocabulary category for more useful lessons. Happy learning! 😊

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➡ Feel free to edit this wiki page if you think it can be improved. 😎

Upon wrapping up this lesson, take a look at these related pages:Education, Colors & Family.

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