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<div class="pg_page_title">[[Language/Slovenian|Slovenian]]  → [[Language/Slovenian/Vocabulary|Vocabulary]] → [[Language/Slovenian/Grammar/0-to-A1-Course|0 to A1 Course]] → Greetings and Introductions → Introducing Yourself</div>
<div class="pg_page_title">[[Language/Slovenian|Slovenian]]  → [[Language/Slovenian/Vocabulary|Vocabulary]] → [[Language/Slovenian/Grammar/0-to-A1-Course|0 to A1 Course]] → Greetings and Introductions → Introducing Yourself</div>


==Introducing Yourself in Slovenian==
== Introduction ==
In this lesson, we will learn how to introduce ourselves in Slovenian. Introducing yourself is an essential skill in any language, as it allows you to make a connection with others and start a conversation. By learning how to introduce yourself in Slovenian, you will be able to confidently meet new people, make friends, and navigate social situations. We will cover key phrases and vocabulary for introducing yourself, including how to say your name, where you are from, and how old you are. By the end of this lesson, you will be able to confidently introduce yourself in Slovenian and engage in basic conversations with native speakers. So let's get started!
== Basic Greetings Review ==
Before we dive into introducing ourselves, let's quickly review some basic greetings in Slovenian. Greetings are an important part of any introduction, and they help create a positive and friendly atmosphere. Here are some common greetings in Slovenian:
{| class="wikitable"
! Slovenian !! Pronunciation !! English Translation
| Zdravo || [zdrah-voh] || Hello
| Dober dan || [doh-behr dahn] || Good day / Good afternoon
| Dobro jutro || [doh-broh yoo-troh] || Good morning
| Dober večer || [doh-behr veh-chehr] || Good evening
| Nasvidenje || [nah-svee-deh-nyeh] || Goodbye
Remember to use these greetings when meeting someone for the first time or when entering a social setting. It's a polite way to acknowledge the other person and show respect. Now that we've reviewed basic greetings, let's move on to introducing ourselves.
== Introducing Yourself ==
When introducing yourself in Slovenian, there are a few key pieces of information you should include: your name, where you are from, and your age. Let's break down each of these elements and learn how to express them in Slovenian.
=== Saying Your Name ===
The first step in introducing yourself is to say your name. Here are a few common phrases you can use to introduce yourself in Slovenian:
* Moje ime je [Your Name]. (My name is [Your Name].)
* Jaz sem [Your Name]. (I am [Your Name].)
For example, if your name is Ana, you can say:
* Moje ime je Ana. (My name is Ana.)
* Jaz sem Ana. (I am Ana.)

<p>Introducing yourself in Slovenian is an essential part of communication. In this lesson, you will learn how to introduce yourself in Slovenian, including how to say your name, where you are from, and how old you are. By the end of this lesson, you will be able to hold a simple conversation and introduce yourself confidently.</p>
Practice saying your name out loud using these phrases. It's important to pronounce your name clearly so that others can understand it. Slovenian pronunciation is generally phonetic, so once you know the sounds of the letters, you can easily pronounce words correctly.

==Basic Greetings==
=== Talking About Your Origin ===

<p>Before we dive into the lesson, let's start with some basic greetings.</p>
The next piece of information to include when introducing yourself is where you are from. This allows others to learn more about your background and can be a great conversation starter. Here are some phrases you can use to talk about your origin in Slovenian:

<table class="wikitable">
* Sem iz [Your Country]. (I am from [Your Country].)
* Pridem iz [Your Country]. (I come from [Your Country].)
    <th>English Translation</th>
    <td>Dobro jutro</td>
    <td>doh-broh yoo-troh</td>
    <td>Good morning</td>
    <td>Dobar dan</td>
    <td>doh-bahr dahn</td>
    <td>Good afternoon</td>
    <td>Dober večer</td>
    <td>doh-behr veh-chehr</td>
    <td>Good evening</td>

==Introducing Yourself==
For example, if you are from Italy, you can say:

<p>Now that you know some basic greetings, it's time to learn how to introduce yourself in Slovenian.</p>
* Sem iz Italije. (I am from Italy.)
* Pridem iz Italije. (I come from Italy.)

<p>There are many ways to introduce yourself in Slovenian, but the most common way is to say:</p>
If you are from a specific city or region within a country, you can replace [Your Country] with the name of that city or region. For example, if you are from Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia, you can say:

<p class="example">Moje ime je &lt;your name&gt;. Sem iz &lt;your country&gt; in imam &lt;your age&gt; let.</p>
* Sem iz Ljubljane. (I am from Ljubljana.)
* Pridem iz Ljubljane. (I come from Ljubljana.)

<p>This means "My name is &lt;your name&gt;. I am from &lt;your country&gt; and I am &lt;your age&gt; years old."</p>
=== Stating Your Age ===

<p>Let's break down this sentence and learn how to pronounce each word correctly.</p>
The final piece of information to include when introducing yourself is your age. This is optional and depends on the context of the conversation. If you feel comfortable sharing your age, here are some phrases you can use to state your age in Slovenian:

===Saying Your Name===
* Star(a) sem [Your Age]. (I am [Your Age] years old.)
* Imam [Your Age] let. (I am [Your Age] years old.)

<p>The first part of introducing yourself is saying your name.</p>
For example, if you are 25 years old, you can say:

<p>In Slovenian, the phrase for "my name is" is "moje ime je." This phrase is pronounced as "moh-yeh ee-meh yeh."</p>
* Star(a) sem 25 let. (I am 25 years old.)
* Imam 25 let. (I am 25 years old.)

<p>When you say your name, you need to use the possessive pronoun "moj" (my) in front of the noun "ime" (name). The word "moj" will change its form depending on the gender of the noun or the noun's case. In the following table, you can see the different forms of "moj" in Slovenian:</p>
Remember to adjust the phrase based on your own age. If you are not comfortable sharing your age or if the context does not require it, you can simply skip this part and focus on the other aspects of introducing yourself.

<table class="wikitable">
=== Putting It All Together ===
<th>Nominative Case</th>
<th>Genitive Case</th>

<p>Let's see some examples:</p>
Now that we have covered the individual elements of introducing yourself, let's practice putting it all together. Here is an example of a full self-introduction in Slovenian:

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* Moje ime je Ana. Sem iz Ljubljane. Star(a) sem 25 let. (My name is Ana. I am from Ljubljana. I am 25 years old.)
<td>My name is John.</td>
<td>Moje ime je John.</td>
<td>mo-yeh ee-meh yeh John</td>
<td>My name is Maria.</td>
<td>Moje ime je Maria.</td>
<td>mo-yeh ee-meh yeh Maria</td>
<td>My name is Peter.</td>
<td>Moje ime je Peter.</td>
<td>mo-yeh ee-meh yeh Peter</td>

===Saying Where You Are From===
Practice saying this self-introduction out loud, focusing on your pronunciation and intonation. The more you practice, the more confident you will become in introducing yourself in Slovenian.

<p>The second part of introducing yourself is saying where you are from. You can say "sem iz" which means "I am from." This phrase is pronounced as "sehm eez".</p>
== Cultural Insights ==

<p>Here are some examples:</p>
Introducing yourself in Slovenian can vary slightly depending on the cultural context. Here are some cultural insights to keep in mind when introducing yourself:

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1. Handshakes: In Slovenia, it is customary to shake hands when meeting someone for the first time or in a formal setting. Make sure to offer a firm handshake and maintain eye contact while doing so. This is a sign of respect and shows that you are interested in the other person.
<td>I am from the United States.</td>
<td>Sem iz Združenih držav.</td>
<td>sehm eez Zdroo-zheh-neeh drzhav</td>
<td>I am from Germany.</td>
<td>Sem iz Nemčije.</td>
<td>sehm eez Nem-chee-yeh</td>
<td>I am from China.</td>
<td>Sem iz Kitajske.</td>
<td>sehm eez Kee-tigh-skeh</td>

===Saying Your Age===
2. Formality: Slovenians generally prefer a more formal approach when meeting someone for the first time. It is common to use titles such as "gospod" (Mr.) or "gospa" (Mrs./Ms.) when addressing someone you are not familiar with. As you build a relationship, you can transition to using the person's first name.

<p>The third part of introducing yourself is saying your age. You can say "imam" which means "I have." This phrase is pronounced as "ee-mahm." </p>
3. Personal Space: Slovenians value their personal space and typically maintain a distance of about an arm's length when conversing. Respect this personal space and avoid standing too close to others, especially when meeting someone for the first time.

<p>Note that Slovenian uses the singular form for age, unlike English, which uses the plural form.</p>
4. Politeness: Politeness is highly valued in Slovenian culture. When introducing yourself, make sure to use polite language and show respect towards the other person. Use phrases such as "prosim" (please) and "hvala" (thank you) to demonstrate your manners.

<p>Here are some examples:</p>
5. Small Talk: Small talk is an important part of Slovenian social interactions. After introducing yourself, you can engage in small talk by asking questions about the other person's interests, hobbies, or profession. This helps build rapport and shows genuine interest in getting to know the other person.

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Remember, cultural norms can vary, and it's always a good idea to observe and adapt to the specific cultural context you find yourself in. By being aware of these cultural insights, you can navigate social situations more effectively and make a positive impression when introducing yourself in Slovenian.
<td>I am 22 years old.</td>
<td>Imam 22 let.</td>
<td>ee-mahm dveh-enajst let</td>
<td>I am 30 years old.</td>
<td>Imam 30 let.</td>
<td>ee-mahm trideset let</td>
<td>I am 40 years old.</td>
<td>Imam 40 let.</td>
<td>ee-mahm štirideset let</td>

===Putting It All Together===
== Exercises ==

<p>Now that you know how to say your name, where you are from, and your age, let's put it all together in one sentence.</p>
Now it's time to practice what you've learned! Here are some exercises to help you reinforce the vocabulary and phrases for introducing yourself in Slovenian.

<p class="example">Moje ime je John. Sem iz Združenih držav in imam 22 let.</p>
=== Exercise 1: Fill in the Blanks ===

<p>Practice saying this sentence out loud until you can say it with ease. When you are confident introducing yourself, try practicing with a friend or someone who speaks Slovenian.</p>
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate Slovenian words or phrases to complete the self-introductions.

1. Moje __________ je Marko. (My name is Marko.)
2. Jaz __________ Ana. (I am Ana.)
3. Sem __________ Nemčije. (I am from Germany.)
4. Pridem __________ Francije. (I come from France.)
5. Star(a) __________ 30 let. (I am 30 years old.)

<p>Introducing yourself in Slovenian is an easy and fun way to start a conversation. Remember to use the phrases we learned in this lesson, and practice until you feel confident introducing yourself in Slovenian.</p>
1. Moje ime je Marko.
2. Jaz sem Ana.
3. Sem iz Nemčije.
4. Pridem iz Francije.
5. Star(a) sem 30 let.

<p>In the next lesson, we will learn about singular and plural nouns in Slovenian, including regular and irregular plural forms.</p>
=== Exercise 2: Conversation Practice ===

Imagine you are meeting a new Slovenian friend for the first time. Practice a conversation where you introduce yourself and ask your friend about their name, origin, and age. Use the phrases and vocabulary you have learned in this lesson.
Example Conversation:
Person A: Zdravo! Moje ime je Ana. (Hello! My name is Ana.)
Person B: Zdravo, Ana! Jaz sem Marko. (Hello, Ana! I am Marko.)
Person A: Od kod si, Marko? (Where are you from, Marko?)
Person B: Sem iz Ljubljane. (I am from Ljubljana.)
Person B: Kako star(a) si, Ana? (How old are you, Ana?)
Person A: Star(a) sem 25 let. (I am 25 years old.)
Feel free to personalize the conversation and ask additional questions to get to know your friend better. Practice this conversation with a partner or imagine it in your head to improve your speaking skills.
== Conclusion ==
Congratulations! You have completed the lesson on introducing yourself in Slovenian. You have learned how to say your name, where you are from, and your age in Slovenian. Remember to practice these phrases regularly to build confidence in introducing yourself. By mastering this essential skill, you will be able to engage in conversations and connect with native Slovenian speakers. Keep up the good work and continue practicing!

<span link>Excellent job on conquering this lesson! Consider delving into these related pages: [[Language/Slovenian/Vocabulary/Love|Love]] & [[Language/Slovenian/Vocabulary/Numbers|Numbers]].</span>
|title=Introducing Yourself in Slovenian
|title=Slovenian Vocabulary → Greetings and Introductions → Introducing Yourself
|keywords=Slovenian Vocabulary, Slovenian greetings, Introducing Yourself in Slovenian, Slovenian personal pronouns, possessive pronouns in Slovenian
|keywords=Slovenian vocabulary, greetings in Slovenian, introducing yourself in Slovenian, Slovenian self-introduction, Slovenian cultural insights
|description=Learn how to introduce yourself in Slovenian, including how to say your name, where you are from, and how old you are. This lesson is part of the Complete 0 to A1 Slovenian Course.
|description=In this lesson, you will learn how to introduce yourself in Slovenian, including how to say your name, where you are from, and how old you are. Gain cultural insights and practice exercises to reinforce your learning.

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* [https://app.memrise.com/course/2059404/slovenian-1/ Learn Slovenian on Memrise - Beginner - Slovenian 1 - Memrise]

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Revision as of 04:01, 21 June 2023

◀️ Basic Greetings — Previous Lesson Next Lesson — Singular and Plural Nouns ▶️

SlovenianVocabulary0 to A1 Course → Greetings and Introductions → Introducing Yourself


In this lesson, we will learn how to introduce ourselves in Slovenian. Introducing yourself is an essential skill in any language, as it allows you to make a connection with others and start a conversation. By learning how to introduce yourself in Slovenian, you will be able to confidently meet new people, make friends, and navigate social situations. We will cover key phrases and vocabulary for introducing yourself, including how to say your name, where you are from, and how old you are. By the end of this lesson, you will be able to confidently introduce yourself in Slovenian and engage in basic conversations with native speakers. So let's get started!

Basic Greetings Review

Before we dive into introducing ourselves, let's quickly review some basic greetings in Slovenian. Greetings are an important part of any introduction, and they help create a positive and friendly atmosphere. Here are some common greetings in Slovenian:

Slovenian Pronunciation English Translation
Zdravo [zdrah-voh] Hello
Dober dan [doh-behr dahn] Good day / Good afternoon
Dobro jutro [doh-broh yoo-troh] Good morning
Dober večer [doh-behr veh-chehr] Good evening
Nasvidenje [nah-svee-deh-nyeh] Goodbye

Remember to use these greetings when meeting someone for the first time or when entering a social setting. It's a polite way to acknowledge the other person and show respect. Now that we've reviewed basic greetings, let's move on to introducing ourselves.

Introducing Yourself

When introducing yourself in Slovenian, there are a few key pieces of information you should include: your name, where you are from, and your age. Let's break down each of these elements and learn how to express them in Slovenian.

Saying Your Name

The first step in introducing yourself is to say your name. Here are a few common phrases you can use to introduce yourself in Slovenian:

  • Moje ime je [Your Name]. (My name is [Your Name].)
  • Jaz sem [Your Name]. (I am [Your Name].)

For example, if your name is Ana, you can say:

  • Moje ime je Ana. (My name is Ana.)
  • Jaz sem Ana. (I am Ana.)

Practice saying your name out loud using these phrases. It's important to pronounce your name clearly so that others can understand it. Slovenian pronunciation is generally phonetic, so once you know the sounds of the letters, you can easily pronounce words correctly.

Talking About Your Origin

The next piece of information to include when introducing yourself is where you are from. This allows others to learn more about your background and can be a great conversation starter. Here are some phrases you can use to talk about your origin in Slovenian:

  • Sem iz [Your Country]. (I am from [Your Country].)
  • Pridem iz [Your Country]. (I come from [Your Country].)

For example, if you are from Italy, you can say:

  • Sem iz Italije. (I am from Italy.)
  • Pridem iz Italije. (I come from Italy.)

If you are from a specific city or region within a country, you can replace [Your Country] with the name of that city or region. For example, if you are from Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia, you can say:

  • Sem iz Ljubljane. (I am from Ljubljana.)
  • Pridem iz Ljubljane. (I come from Ljubljana.)

Stating Your Age

The final piece of information to include when introducing yourself is your age. This is optional and depends on the context of the conversation. If you feel comfortable sharing your age, here are some phrases you can use to state your age in Slovenian:

  • Star(a) sem [Your Age]. (I am [Your Age] years old.)
  • Imam [Your Age] let. (I am [Your Age] years old.)

For example, if you are 25 years old, you can say:

  • Star(a) sem 25 let. (I am 25 years old.)
  • Imam 25 let. (I am 25 years old.)

Remember to adjust the phrase based on your own age. If you are not comfortable sharing your age or if the context does not require it, you can simply skip this part and focus on the other aspects of introducing yourself.

Putting It All Together

Now that we have covered the individual elements of introducing yourself, let's practice putting it all together. Here is an example of a full self-introduction in Slovenian:

  • Moje ime je Ana. Sem iz Ljubljane. Star(a) sem 25 let. (My name is Ana. I am from Ljubljana. I am 25 years old.)

Practice saying this self-introduction out loud, focusing on your pronunciation and intonation. The more you practice, the more confident you will become in introducing yourself in Slovenian.

Cultural Insights

Introducing yourself in Slovenian can vary slightly depending on the cultural context. Here are some cultural insights to keep in mind when introducing yourself:

1. Handshakes: In Slovenia, it is customary to shake hands when meeting someone for the first time or in a formal setting. Make sure to offer a firm handshake and maintain eye contact while doing so. This is a sign of respect and shows that you are interested in the other person.

2. Formality: Slovenians generally prefer a more formal approach when meeting someone for the first time. It is common to use titles such as "gospod" (Mr.) or "gospa" (Mrs./Ms.) when addressing someone you are not familiar with. As you build a relationship, you can transition to using the person's first name.

3. Personal Space: Slovenians value their personal space and typically maintain a distance of about an arm's length when conversing. Respect this personal space and avoid standing too close to others, especially when meeting someone for the first time.

4. Politeness: Politeness is highly valued in Slovenian culture. When introducing yourself, make sure to use polite language and show respect towards the other person. Use phrases such as "prosim" (please) and "hvala" (thank you) to demonstrate your manners.

5. Small Talk: Small talk is an important part of Slovenian social interactions. After introducing yourself, you can engage in small talk by asking questions about the other person's interests, hobbies, or profession. This helps build rapport and shows genuine interest in getting to know the other person.

Remember, cultural norms can vary, and it's always a good idea to observe and adapt to the specific cultural context you find yourself in. By being aware of these cultural insights, you can navigate social situations more effectively and make a positive impression when introducing yourself in Slovenian.


Now it's time to practice what you've learned! Here are some exercises to help you reinforce the vocabulary and phrases for introducing yourself in Slovenian.

Exercise 1: Fill in the Blanks

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate Slovenian words or phrases to complete the self-introductions.

1. Moje __________ je Marko. (My name is Marko.) 2. Jaz __________ Ana. (I am Ana.) 3. Sem __________ Nemčije. (I am from Germany.) 4. Pridem __________ Francije. (I come from France.) 5. Star(a) __________ 30 let. (I am 30 years old.)

Solution: 1. Moje ime je Marko. 2. Jaz sem Ana. 3. Sem iz Nemčije. 4. Pridem iz Francije. 5. Star(a) sem 30 let.

Exercise 2: Conversation Practice

Imagine you are meeting a new Slovenian friend for the first time. Practice a conversation where you introduce yourself and ask your friend about their name, origin, and age. Use the phrases and vocabulary you have learned in this lesson.

Example Conversation:

Person A: Zdravo! Moje ime je Ana. (Hello! My name is Ana.) Person B: Zdravo, Ana! Jaz sem Marko. (Hello, Ana! I am Marko.) Person A: Od kod si, Marko? (Where are you from, Marko?) Person B: Sem iz Ljubljane. (I am from Ljubljana.) Person B: Kako star(a) si, Ana? (How old are you, Ana?) Person A: Star(a) sem 25 let. (I am 25 years old.)

Feel free to personalize the conversation and ask additional questions to get to know your friend better. Practice this conversation with a partner or imagine it in your head to improve your speaking skills.


Congratulations! You have completed the lesson on introducing yourself in Slovenian. You have learned how to say your name, where you are from, and your age in Slovenian. Remember to practice these phrases regularly to build confidence in introducing yourself. By mastering this essential skill, you will be able to engage in conversations and connect with native Slovenian speakers. Keep up the good work and continue practicing!

Table of Contents - Slovenian Course - 0 to A1

Greetings and Introductions

Nouns and Pronouns

Numbers and Time

Verbs and Tenses

Food and Drink

Adjectives and Adverbs

Travel and Transportation

Prepositions and Conjunctions

Hobbies and Free Time

Slovenian Customs and Traditions


Other Lessons

◀️ Basic Greetings — Previous Lesson Next Lesson — Singular and Plural Nouns ▶️